
Going against God “just for fun”

I wrote this piece a few years ago to bring to light the sad fact that more and more Christians were becoming involved in occult practices.  Well, nothing has changed since I wrote this.  In fact, Christianity is infected with the deadly occult virus, thanks largely to so-called Christian leaders, to Continue Reading

The New Transgender Agenda: Cultural Confusion

Dave Fiorazo, author, speaker and radio host, addresses the Left’s attempt to normalize what the majority of people have always thought of as a sexual perversion: Transgenderism. Bruce/Caitlyn Jenner has been portrayed by the press as courageous for saying publicly that he no longer wishes to be a man; now Continue Reading

No need for Christ in Alcoholics Anonymous

Many people believe Alcoholics Anonymous or A.A. is a Christian based organization.  Well, nothing could be further from the truth.  Researcher and blogger John Lanagan has uncovered the occult origins of this organization and has written a book and a plethora of articles to expose A.A.’s beliefs.  To discover the truth behind A.A. Continue Reading

Cindy Jacobs was first to “prophesy” C. Peter Wagner would be “Apostle”

John Lanagan of My Word Like Fire  continues to expose the false teaching of the NAR “apostles” and “prophets.” While still assessing the damage done through Empowered21’s Jerusalem gathering, where many were exposed to New Apostolic Reformation leaders and teachings, it seems appropriate to share these words from Cindy Jacobs about Continue Reading

Humans Will Be Hybrids By 2030

According to a CNN Money report humans are going to be artificially intelligent in the very near future. That’s the prediction of renowned inventor Ray Kurzweil, director of engineering at Google,  Bible believing Christians should be deeply concerned when science tampers with God’s design in any way shape or form — especially Continue Reading

Mega-church pastor Matt Chandler apologizes for “mishandling” spouse of child porn addict

After a public uproar questioning The Village Church’s handling of a situation that involved the worst sort of sexual perversion by a TVC missionary, Jordan Root, lead pastor and president of Acts 29, Matt Chandler, apologized from the pulpit for the elder’s “exuding domineering behavior” over Root’s wife, Karen.  This is a tragic Continue Reading

Blasphemy in Philadelphia

I’m not sure how I stumbled across this Central Association of the Miraculous Medal, but it’s even more shocking than someone selling me a prayer cloth on TBN. Located in the heart of Philadelphia.  It’s both a website and a shrine, one of the Catholic Church’s top tourist sites where Continue Reading

Cindy Jacobs whups “Jewish witchcraft” to help Empowered21 gathering go smoothly

John Lanagan of My Word Like Fire  lays out the ways in which he believes Satan is using the ecumenical Empowered21 and the New Apostolic Reformation to torment the Body of Christ. Following is Lanagan’s piece: But Michael the archangel, when he disputed with the devil and argued about the body of Moses, did Continue Reading