Archive | Catholic

Martin Luther - Pixabay

Protestant and Catholic: What’s the Difference?

October 31st marks the 500th anniversary of the revolt against the abuses and totalitarian control of the Roman Catholic Church known as the Protestant Reformation. To help us understand why there still remains a very wide divide between Protestants and Catholics, pastor and best-selling author Kevin DeYoung lays out a few of the main points […]

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How to Read Your Way to Heaven?

Advertising claims can be quite sensational, but I’ve never heard one quite like this. I came across this ad for a brand new book that promises instant access to heaven IF you’ll only read the book, titled, How to Read Your Way to Heaven – A Spiritual Reading Program for the Worst of Sinners, the […]

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Marian Apparition Wisconsin

Greg Laurie, Calvary Chapel, and New Catholic National Shrine for Marian Apparitions

If it seems like we’re “hitting hard” on Calvary Chapels and Pastor Greg Laurie, I can assure readers that we’re not out to attack anyone. But Laurie’s actions as of late have crossed over from mildly concerning to five-alarm status. Especially for the Calvary Chapel pastors who are sitting on the fence over whether to […]

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Wolves beware

Together 2016: Unbiblical Unity on the National Mall

Wake up, brethren!  Evangelicals are being lured into a web of deception by Church leaders we trust. Read the article we’re posting and you’ll find out who some of these people are. They’re wolves!  Run!! For those who missed all the hype, on July 16 an event called Together 2016 was held at the Washington […]

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Bethel Redding’s Courtship with Belial

Tony Miano of Cross Encounters tackles the unholy alliance between Pope Francis and Bethel Church’s residing senior associate leader Kris Vallotton.  Miano writes: It is well-documented the unbiblical, blasphemous beliefs and practices of a group I believe is a cult–Bethel Redding. My research and documentation includes information about Bethel’s second-in-command, Kris Vallotton. Today, Vallotton met Pope Francis–head of […]

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