No, we don’t focus on the Illuminati

From time to time, listeners ask us about some of the conspiracy theories out there – especially in the music industry. Specifically, they want to know about the Illuminati, secret societies or symbols like the all-seeing eye. You’ll notice those pastors who are excellent at faithfully preaching the Word and Continue Reading

A.D.: Did your church buy the Roma Downey kit?

As NBC prepares to launch a new miniseries, “A.D.”, churches are being marketed to. Hard. It’ll be an easy sell for many, as this series is very entertaining and visually beautiful. “Millions will be watching, including people in Your Church,” advertises uber-popular, urging pastors to “plan a 12 week Continue Reading

Rick Warren publicly called to repentance for statements about uniting with Catholics

Christian Research Net is reporting that Pastor Rick Warren of Saddleback Church and author of Purpose Driven Life has made some astonishing statements, causing a call for his repentance: Rick Warren’s Call for Christians to Unite With Catholics, ‘Holy Father’ Raising Concerns In a new video, megachurch leader and author Rick Warren Continue Reading

A pastor explains why discernment has disappeared

“You know how to discern the face of the sky, but you cannot discern the signs of the times.” (Matthew 16:3, NKJV) Why Discernment Has Disappeared    by Pastor Randy White I am continually frustrated that Christians, even pastors and theologians, seem to have an overwhelming inability to discern the times. Continue Reading

Church shopping? 35 Key Questions to Ask the Church

I originally posted this late last year, but we’ve had some many requests from people who are looking for a new church home that I’m re-posting to bump it higher: If you are looking for a new church, you need to ask some very important questions of church leadership before Continue Reading