Cindy Jacobs whups “Jewish witchcraft” to help Empowered21 gathering go smoothly

John Lanagan of My Word Like Fire  lays out the ways in which he believes Satan is using the ecumenical Empowered21 and the New Apostolic Reformation to torment the Body of Christ.

Following is Lanagan’s piece:

But Michael the archangel, when he disputed with the devil and argued about the body of Moses, did not dare pronounce against him a railing judgment, but said, “The Lord rebuke you!” (Jude 1:9)

Lecturing her audience at the Empowered21 gathering in Jerusalem, New Apostolic Reformation prophetess Cindy Jacobs urged, “We need to live to torment the powers of darkness.” [1]

Expecting a more enthusiastic response to this statement, Jacobs chided, “Oh, okay. Well, maybe two of you have authority. But by the time I finish more of you will have authority. When I wake up in the morning I want the devil and his demons to say, ‘Oh, no, that Cindy Jacobs is awake again. I haven’t fixed the rupture she made in my kingdom yesterday.’” [2]

Previously Jacobs had shared, “But one of the realms of the prophetic is to know what is happening in the spiritual realm. Okay? In fact, last night I was praying for the [E21] congress and I began to deal with Jewish witchcraft. I felt there had been witchcraft operating against the congress and I just began to do some intercession. To lighten things up you know and to make sure we had a clear pathway.” [3]

May I suggest that Jacobs’ alleged “Jewish witchcraft” is just one more misperceived NAR spiritual opponent? NAR Grand Poohbah C. Peter Wagner claimed it was the Japanese Emperor having relations with the sun goddess that caused the Fukushima nuclear disaster in 2011. Dutch Sheets in 2007 formally held a ceremony to divorce the evil ruling spirit Baal from America.

For years now the New Apostolic Reformation has gone to cities and nations, supposedly identifying and casting out ruling territorial spirits.

Cindy Jacobs’ words about Christians needing to live “to torment the powers of darkness” are both ignorant and arrogant.

It is Satan who is using the ecumenical Empowered21 and the New Apostolic Reformation to torment the Body of Christ.

[The devil] was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth because there is no truth in him. Whenever he speaks a lie, he speaks from his own nature, for he is a liar and the father of lies. (John 8:44)

Look what Satan has pulled off here: He forms an ecumenical organization [E21] where Catholics are welcomed as long as they are Spirit-empowered. He places charismatic Catholic Oreste Pesare as an Empowered21 Global Council Leader, even though Pesare’s allegiance is to Rome.

As Pesare himself has said, “We are Catholics. Our faith is not just based on the Holy Scriptures but also we have a tradition in the Church so the popes and the bishops and the institution of the Church…codified things to the people of God through documents.” [1]

Satan further stacks the E21 deck with New Apostolic Reformation Dominionists Cindy Jacobs and Bill Johnson (and others) as E21 Global Council Leaders.

He places Ken Copeland as an E21 Leader as well.

Next, he organizes a “Spirit-Empowered” gathering to take place in Jerusalem on the week of Pentecost, and gives New Apostolic Reformation teachers and speakers key platforms.

He has George Wood, head of the Assemblies of God, as E21 Global Alliance co-chair. This guarantees the interest and participation (at the event and via the internet) of millions of AoG saints.

While Cindy Jacobs was pontificating about “Jewish witchcraft,” Satan had once again utilized his ancient strategy of mixing those with aberrant beliefs with the people of God. Just as he repeatedly weakened ancient Israel in this manner, so is he using E21 and the New Apostolic Reformation to accomplish the same thing in the Body of Christ.

…so that no advantage would be taken of us by Satan, for we are not ignorant of his schemes. (2 Corinthians 2:11)

Related: NAR’s Faytene Grassechi uses Empowered21 to teach Luke 4 is about…Dominionism!

Source Notes:
1. Cindy Jacobs, Prophetic Prayer, Empowered21 Jerusalem 2015
2. Ibid.
3. Ibid.
4. Charisms and the growth of the Church, Oreste Pesare

Republished with permission: My Word Like Fire


NAR’s Faytene Grassechi uses Empowered21 to teach Luke 4 is about…Dominionism! By John Lanagan

Dominionist are on the move…and they mean business by Marsha West


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