We share this out of concern for the hundreds of thousands who follow popular teacher Dr. David Jeremiah, who has reportedly has joined other prominent leaders (Max Lucado, Mark Batterson, Lysa TerKeurst, Jennie Allen, Lee Strobel, Ann Voskamp, Sheila Walsh, Christine Caine, Roma Downey, Dr. Jack Graham, etc.), in promoting and endorsing the “Jesus Calling” franchise, written by Sarah Young.
(See 10 Scriptural reasons Jesus Calling is a dangerous book.)
Jeremiah appeared on the Jesus Calling Podcast:
“When I read Sarah’s work, it’s pretty obvious to me why it’s been so highly regarded and received. She makes prayer very personal. Sometimes prayer isn’t personal, sometimes prayer can be very cold and empty. Maybe that’s why a lot of people have a hard time sustaining any kind of a prayer ministry. What Sarah has done has made it possible for people to say, “I talked to God today…I communicated with my Father.” That’s what prayer is supposed to be and she has moved the ball down the field quite aggressively in that direction.”
Here’s the link to that podcast.
Red flags
We want to share some other concerns we have about Dr. Jeremiah, for your consideration:
- Jeremiah regularly appears on Trinity Broadcasting Network (TBN), and was often alongside Word of Faith/prosperity teacher Paul Crouch (when he was alive).
- Last year, Jeremiah joined with Word of Faith heretics Kenneth Copeland, Paula White, and Jan Crouch in laying hands on, and praying for, Donald Trump.
- Jeremiah hosted Catholic New Ager Roma Downey and Mark Burnett at his church to discuss and promote the new TV show A.D. and Jeremiah’s new companion book based on the biblical book of Acts.
- David Jeremiah promoted New Age authors through his book, Life Wide Open, in which he favorably quoted New Agers, Buddhist sympathizers, mystics and contemplatives. The report also showed Jeremiah’s affiliation with New Age sympathizer Ken Blanchard and Lead Like Jesus. He cites contemplatives Brother Lawrence’s ‘Practice of the Presence of God”, and ‘When the heart Waits’, by Sue Monk Kidd.
- His book, Captured by Grace, Jeremiah favorably points to mystical contemplative Catholic author, the late Henri Nouwen, (who said he was uncomfortable with those who say that Jesus is the only way of salvation and that he felt it was his calling to help people find their own path). In addition, inside the front of the book sits the name and endorsement of Ken Blanchard.
It’s a serious pattern of confusing the sheep.
Do not be unequally yoked with unbelievers. For what partnership has righteousness with lawlessness? Or what fellowship has light with darkness? 15 What accord has Christ with Belial? Or what portion does a believer share with an unbeliever? 16 What agreement has the temple of God with idols? For we are the temple of the living God; as God said,
“I will make my dwelling among them and walk among them,
and I will be their God,
and they shall be my people.
17 Therefore go out from their midst,
and be separate from them, says the Lord,
and touch no unclean thing;
then I will welcome you,
18 and I will be a father to you,
and you shall be sons and daughters to me,
says the Lord Almighty.”
2 Corinthians 6:14-18
Additionally, it is dangerous to fellowship with false teachers because they can corrupt even sound theology.
Do not be deceived: “Bad company ruins good morals.”
1 Corinthians 15:33
This is discouraging news about David Jeremiah. Not a regular reader but I was wondering if you did the same when prominent evangelical leaders endorsed Paula White’s new book? If you did, could you point me to it. If not, why not?
I attended a Pentecostal church where many heard a word from the Lord and many had visions. It got to a point where my wife and I left because 10 people stepped forward with a vision God gave them to do in the church. All 10 visions were not aligned, they went in different directions and they apparently didn’t ask God if their visions was from him. The visions were chaotic and did not come to fruition. How is that for a calling from Jesus? Don’t end up like a son of Sceva or even worse.
He prayed for Donald Trump and you attack him for that??? Avoid this website like the plague!
The problem isn’t that he prayed for Trump. It was because he did it with Copeland, White and crouch. I wouldn’t step inside a building with Copeland let alone aligned myself with him in a pray meeting. Get it
Its among many other warnings and red flags in his ministry. Its the fact he did it along side of false teachers.
It isn’t the prayer that they are talking about. It’s the fact that he did it alongside false teachers which is going against what the Bible teaches us. Don’t be deceived.
While we are on the subject of seemingly good pastors aligning themselves with heretics. Why did Ravi Zacharias alinge himself with Loui Giglio and Francis Chan???
Only GOD can judge. I’m still trying to get that beam out of my eye.
Don’t use that verse out of context. We are commanded to judge everything and judge righteously.
I agree teachers / leaders are duty bound to teach faithfully the word of God to the laity. If this is not being carried out these ones come under judgement heavily because they have misled and deceived the people. It says in the “last days” people would not put up with the healthful teaching and would just want their ears tickled” i can’t speak for what others do, Ask them privately, if you are concerned. As for myself, I need to see that I am not just listening to God’s word but actually putting what I have heard into practice. I believe leaders should be challenged about the important issues mentioned, but we should beware of exposing someone without fully understanding why a particular thing was said or done.
Just to encourage others, we don’t always need charismatic leaders, though we do need other believers and sound bible teaching. Gods’ word is the first place we go to, with a good reliable translation. We need to be careful that we are not led astray by dreams or personal experiences, we believe to be from God. All these things may prove to be true later, but not if they oppose the teaching in the bible. All things should be tested.
Spirituality can go as deep as you like, but all believers should know that as far as God is concerned, a simple prayer from the heart of a humble person is acceptable to Him.
We need only to look to Christ and God’s Holy Word. We should NEVER look to other people. As for prayer it to be personal,one’s own personal relationship with Christ. Not the words of someone else, but your own words to Christ. If we read the written works of others it can take away from the relationship we should be having only with God and His Son. It can slowly diminish the Holy Spirit without you even seeing it because Satan works very sneakily. Inch by inch, don’t be lead astray unaware.
My neighbor is a pastor. His wife brought me a book today she wants me to read.
I do not have a good feeling about the book and wondered if you know anything about it.
“The Last Hour” by Amir Tsarfati. Thanks for your help. Vera Norris
i am a Christian Baptist, I just turned 95 years old.Amir Tsarfati is on top of mylist including. Charles Stanley, David Jeremiah., John Hagee.,J D Farag.Jack Van Impe, Zavi Zachariah. Billy Graham.James Kennedy are all great.
I listen to David Jeremiah and I have my Bible open as he’s preaching. I’ve always lived hearing his Word and I will listen still. If he’s endorsing something outside the Word of God, I don’t know?
I think how disappointed I was when I heard Ravi Zacharious had a dark side. But listen to his teaching. It was from the Word of God.
We all stand before God! I believe I’ve grown closer to my Savior by opening up my Bible and hearing David Jeremiah, Adrian Rogers, Aluster Begg, and so many others that gives me insight. Praise God, we all need to stand together in a time as this!!
Has anyone spoke with Dr. Jeremiah about these things? I’d really like to know what he says about such accusations. I absolutely love Dr Jeremiah’s teaching of Gods word. My husband and I support and love his ministry 100 percent. The others false teachers mentioned above not at all. Hopefully, they all felt conviction just with Dr. Jeremiah’s presence.
Charles Spurgeon wrote: “Discernment is not knowing the difference between right and wrong. It is know the difference between right and almost right.”
The TV ministers seem to get some things right some of the time and some things wrong. Then, it becomes the chore of discerning how wrong the are and about what is it that they are wrong. Is it a major or a minor error. The main doctrines of salvation by faith apart from works, that we must remain in the vine to produce fruit, for we must recognize our weakness in order to receive or exchange it his strength; salvation is through no other, and, it is also not through our own self, through our own works then. I got that quote of Spurgeon from someone who was concerned about Paula White-Cain, whom Trump has initially identified as the person to run the “Faith Office” in the White House. While there does seem to be some reason for concern (though I only just heard one side); as it says in Proverbs 18:17 “The first person seems right, until the second person cross-examines them”. Satan quoted scripture to Jesus. Jesus cross-examined him.
Paula White is a” wolf in sheep’s cliothing, a name it and claim it prosperity gospel “preacher”. She has mystified President Trump because she’s ALL about prosperity. She has been married three times,and whether or not you believe scripture about a woman being a pastor is not acceptable is up to you, This false teacher has
deceived many vulnerable people through the years and many Christians like myself are speaking up about Paula White being a Spiritual Advisor to President Trump and now Director of the Faith Office at the White House. Why well known pastors aren’t speaking up is if concern as well.
Paula White is a” wolf in sheep’s cliothing, a name it and claim it prosperity gospel “preacher”. She has mystified President Trump because she’s ALL about prosperity. She has been married three times,and whether or not you believe scripture about a woman being a pastor is not acceptable is up to you, This false teacher has
deceived many vulnerable people through the years and many Christians like myself are speaking up about Paula White being a Spiritual Advisor to President Trump and now Director of the Faith Office at the White House. Why well known pastors aren’t speaking up is if concern as well.