Meet the “Harbinger Man”?

Screen Shot 2016-02-02 at 2.21.46 PM“There are few books that change the course of a nation. Rabbi Jonathan Cahn’s book, The Harbinger, is such a book.” – WND


WND, a ministry that promotes everything from blood moons to mystical soaking prayers, is the go-to news site for millions of Christians. It also heavily promotes author Jonathan Cahn. WND is now peddling a film titled, The Harbinger Man: The Jonathan Cahn Story, released a few months ago.

I’m just going to let the promotional copy speak for itself, with a couple of external research links from recent events:

“There are few books that alter the course of a nation. Rabbi Jonathan Cahn’s The Harbinger is such a book. It burst onto the New York Times best-seller list in early 2012 and stayed there for more than one hundred weeks. Then Cahn did it again with The Mystery of the Shemitah, an instant bestseller in 2015.

Something profound was happening. Was it possible…

  • That Americans were truly hungry for God’s Word?
  • That they were scared for America’s future?
  • That Rabbi Cahn was indeed a messenger for God’s prophetic warnings?
  • That America’s downward spiral could still be reversed?

All of this came to the forefront for pastors, politicians, and a public growing anxious because of Cahn’s prophetic books.

Hang on a sec. Here’s where I need to insert some links. If you haven’t seen them, please take a look. More at the bottom of this article.

Back to the WND promo copy:

Screen Shot 2016-02-02 at 2.40.33 PM

But what of the author himself? What do we really know about him?

What is the life story of Jonathan Cahn, known as “The Harbinger Man” and a Messianic Rabbi? How did Cahn rise from relative obscurity to worldwide prominence and acclaim? Raised a Reform Jew, and hardened as an atheist, why did Cahn beg God to reveal Himself by laying Cahn near death’s door? Was it Cahn’s wake up call to surrender to Christ? But why? For what purposes?

Now, for the first time ever in the biographical documentary, The Harbinger Man: The Jonathan Cahn Story, Rabbi Cahn reveals (in his own words) his journey from being God’s enemy to becoming a close confidante.

“Before God judges a nation, He sends warnings,” Cahn has said. “But America, like Israel, has not responded with repentance, but with defiance.”

While an impending judgment hangs over America, Cahn leaves room for hope. He cites 2 Chronicles 7:14: “If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.”

Will there be judgment or revival? Is this the final warning? Find out in The Harbinger Man: The Jonathan Cahn Story.

About the Production

Filming the breadth and expanse of the country, from New York to California, Messianic Rabbi Jonathan Cahn takes us on a journey from his boyhood home in New Jersey to pulpits across America, from the bright lights of television studios to Statuary Hall speaking before members of Congress. Rare footage and photos reveal an ordinary man seeking his calling, and stepping out boldly to fulfill God’s great commission.

See Also:

Father of “holy laughter” to bring New Apostolic Reformation gathering to Washington D.C.

Jonathan Cahn soundbite, sermon and speech reviews


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4 thoughts on “Meet the “Harbinger Man”?

  1. Johnathan Cahn smicha?

    A lot of people ask me about Johnathan Cahn.

    He is the author of the Harbinger, The Harbinger Companion, The Mystery of the Shemitah, The Mystery of the Shemitah Unlocked and a book about himself entitled Cahn. Fact is Johnathan Cahn is a false teacher that implies a lot of stuff but never takes a prophesy but his use of out of context scriptures and his misdirected information.

    The problem I have with Cahn is that he cherry picks dates and rounds numbers & percentages up and down so it fits his ‘deadly wake of the shemitah’. In his book Mystery of the Shemitah there are absolutely ZERO references to any of his graphs or numbers, or percentages given as ‘proof’ for his shemitah doctrine.

    In his books he mentions the ‘deadly wake of the shemitah’ but did you know that in the bible there is no deadly ‘wake’ of the shemitah? Why is that? Because its not something the Father commanded or said would happen, to Israel or any other nation. If you read the scriptures about the shemitah its about the forgiveness of debts. Its about liberty and freedom that was part of the theocracy of our Father for His children in the promised land.

    Another problem I have with Cahn is that he claims the shemitah applies to the U.S. however there are NO scriptures stating such a thing. He claims it does apply to the U.S. because George Washington made a covenant with God but we must remember that no covenant that man makes with God is binding because man always screws it up. BTW there are ZERO prophesies from any man of God in the bible stating this. There are no teachings from Yeshua (Jesus), His disciples or any writers of the Old or New Testament on this either. To say that the what George, who was a mason and engaged in pagan practices that are considered an abomination to the Father also proves this talk about the shemitah in the U.S. is crazy.

    Another problem I have with Cahn is that he claims the 2001 and 2008 crashes were evidence of the “punishment” of the shemitah. However the scripture states that the shemitah, which was given ONLY to the nation of Israel in the promised land (the U.S. is not the promised land – another problem Cahn refuses to address), was a TOTAL wiping out of ALL debts. In both 2001 and 2008 there was no total wiping out of any debts. Only a partial dip in the stock market that many actually made money on by shorting the stocks, then made more money in the rebound. Cahn also does not tell you about the increase in government and consumer debts that occurred during both of these times.

    So whats the problem you ask?

    There was no total wiping out of any debts! Our Father states that when His word goes forth is accomplishes what it was set out to do but Cahn neglects to tell you this. What Cahn implies is that God does not keep His word or enforce His commandments. If the stock market crash of only 7%, that means God only enforced 7% of what He commanded and said He would do? Thats not our Elohim of the bible. The other problem I see is that Cahn changes what the scripture says that ‘debts’ would be forgiven and uses the stock market to prove his points. The HUGE problem with this is the the stock market is INVESTED money and not debt! More on that later.

    What amazes me is the lack of common sense people have today when it comes to supposed bible teachers. If the shemitah really was enforce in the U.S. then why was there no total wiping out of all debts recorded in all of U.S. history? If the shemitah did apply to the U.S. we would see hard factual evidence in our debt levels, both government and consumer debts. This also brings up the question, did George Washington make conditions on when the deadly wake of the shemitah would apply? Did he say that in 2001 and 2008 if the U.S. did not have their spiritual lives in check that the stock market would dip? No he did not (oh yea Cahn is very good at changing the topic of debt to the stock market – Why? because its the only way in which he can slightly prove his make up theology so he can sell books). So what does history show us.

    Even during the Great Depression there was no total wiping away of all debts. During this time the worldwide GDP fell by 15% from 1929 to 1932, which was not a total wiping away. There was mass unemployment in the U.S. at that time but it was not as huge as most people think – unemployment in the U.S. rose to only 25% (again not a total wiping away). Farming communities were hit the hardest as crop prices fell 60% but again it was not a total wiping away of debts but a reset of prices. Also during this time while many debts were written off, the majority were kept on the books and still service by the remaining 75% of the people who were still employed. About 5,000 banks failed but those assets and debts were bought by other banks (again no total wiping away of debts).

    I don’t mind preachers as long as they teach what is actually in the bible and not make up stuff and/or ignore historical facts. Consider that during this time President Hoover and Congress approved the Federal Home Loan Bank Act, to spur new home construction, and reduce foreclosures via debt. The Hoover Administration stimulated the economy via Emergency Relief and Construction Act (ERA) which included funds (via more debt) for public works programs such as dams and the creation of the Reconstruction Finance Corporation (RFC) in 1932. The Reconstruction Finance Corporation was a Federal agency with the authority to lend up to $2 billion to rescue banks and restore confidence in financial institutions.

    Cahn says that in a shemitah that all debts are totally wiped away (and the bible does say this but only to the nation of Israel in the Promised land) but we did not see this in the 1929 crash and or the Great Depression. Matter of fact during this time government and consumer debts actually GREW!

    In 1929, federal expenditures constituted only 3% of the GDP. The national debt as a proportion of GNP rose under Hoover from 20% to 40%! Roosevelt kept it at 40% until the war began, when it soared to 128%. So much for the shemitah wiping out all debts – heck it didn’t even come close to wiping out all debts in THE worst time in the U.S. history.

    The other lack of common sense of believers that follow Cahn is the facts of their own family history. In my life during all the ‘shemitah’ years there was NEVER any wiping away of all debts. There was no wiping away of all debts for my parents, grandparents or anyone in my family history (which includes Lewis of the Lewis and Clark expedition) or during the time my family was in Europe before that. So why does Cahn still try to promote this shemitah thing in the U.S.?

    The other problem I have is that if September 2015 was going to a total crash for the U.S. and all hell is going to break loose then why does not Cahn or others tell people to use their money to prepare instead of promoting his audios, books and DVDs? Why is he asking for donations? Why is he not telling people to preach the GOSPEL? Why is he NOT telling people to make disciples? Oh BTW this video was made in Feb of 2016, again disproving Cahn’s rantings.

    Seems like he is involved in revealing “secrets”, “mysteries” and the “hidden things” of the bible so he can sell book. At the same time he totally ignores the clear commands and teachings of scripture. I understand he is warning people but why does he feel the need to lie about numbers, percentages and other facts in the bible and in historical facts about American history? In the bible no prophets or any man or women of God resorted to lies when trying to warn people. The end does not justify the means.

    Other problems I have with Cahn…

    1. He claims he is a Rabbi but he never attended a yeshiva and or graduated from a bible college (references from his material only say he studied some history at Purchase State College/Purchase University which is a public college with no bible courses).

    2. Claims to be ‘licensed minister’ but does not give any proof of denomination or organization of this licensing.

    3. Claims to be have an Orthodox Smicha (rabbinical ordination) from an Orthodox Rabbi but no proof has ever been released. Obtaining a smicha comes after years of studying under a Rabbi and that Rabbi recommends this to a panel of judges. The main problem by claiming that one Orthodox Rabbi gave Cahn a Smicha is not in accordance with Rabbinic rules.

    Consider the conditions for granting a Smicha (info ref.…

    A. The one granting the semicha had to do so while accompanied by two others.

    B. A semicha cannot be conveyed by less than three ”judges.”

    C. Both the ordaining rabbi and the one receiving ordination had to be present in the Land of Israel.

    D. This rabbinical ordination came to mean simply that the student had received permission from his teacher to make halachic rulings in one or two areas of study.

    E. In today’s recent ordinations there are two levels of ordination. The most basic one, called “Yoreh Yoreh,” authorizes the recipient to rule on matters of kashrut and similar areas of Jewish law that pertain to basic daily life. The more advanced level of semicha is called “Yoddin Yoddin,” and authorizes its recipient to rule as a dayan – a judge in financial matters.

    So here are my questions to Johnathan Cahn regarding his smicha…

    1. What are the names of the three judges that presided over your ordination?

    2. When did you go to Israel and receive this ordination and do you have proof?

    3. Which smicha ordination did you receive? Yoreh Yoreh or the Yoddin Yoddin?

    4. And lastly what rulings have you participated in (judging kashrut or financial matters)?

    I’m just saying the more I test what Cahn and others who follow him say, the more problems and out of context scriptures are being used.

    Just be careful of whom you follow, especially when so many problems arise as I have pointed out.

    1. Wow, you sum up Cahn so thoroughly! Thank you so much! 👏 I could never prove he his rabbinical history. He has never expounded on his salvation, much less on believing the new testament. He spouts the Torah more like a pharisee.
      I am not Jewish but a saved by grace Christian by way of New testament and old testament. I am anti-NAR having been abused by such. I never liked how Cahn forced his Jewish beliefs into explaining the events in America, and forced old Jewish customs into christian beliefs. Ridiculous. I noticed he avoided quoting new testament and rarely said the name of Jesus. Unbeknownst to jews, Jesus said “a new testament I give unto you”, because the old way wasn’t working at keeping Israel from sinning! They even lost their entire country to Nebuchadnezzar. So why would I follow Cahns rhetoric when Jesus brought the whole world a more perfect way? 🥰

  2. The problem I have with Cahn is that he cherry picks dates and rounds numbers & percentages up and down so it fits his ‘deadly wake of the shemitah’. In his book Mystery of the Shemitah there are absolutely ZERO references to any of his graphs or numbers, or percentages given as ‘proof’ for his shemitah doctrine.

    Did you know that in the bible there is no deadly ‘wake’ of the shemitah? Why is that? Because its not something the Father commanded or said would happen, to Israel or any other nation.

    Another problem I have with Cahn is that he claims the shemitah applies to the U.S. however there are NO scriptures stating such a thing. There are ZERO prophesies from any man of God in the bible stating this. There are no teachings from Yeshua (Jesus), His disciples or any writers of the Old or New Testament on this.

    Another problem I have with Cahn is that he claims the 2001 and 2008 crashes were evidence of the punishment of the shemitah. However the scripture states that the shemitah, which was given ONLY to the nation of Israel in the promised land (the U.S. is not the promised land – another problem Cahn refuses to address), was a TOTAL wiping out of ALL debts. In both 2001 and 2008 there was no total wiping out of any debts. Only a partial dip in the stock market that many actually made money on by shorting the stocks, then made more money in the rebound. Cahn also does not tell you about the increase in government and consumer debts that occurred during both of these times.

    So whats the problem you ask?

    There was no total wiping out of any debts! Our Father states that when His word goes forth is accomplishes what it was set out to do but Cahn neglects to tell you this. What Cahn implies is that God does not keep His word or enforce His commandments. If the market crash of only 7%, that means God only enforced 7% of what He commanded and said He would do? Thats not our Elohim of the bible.

    What amazes me is the lack of common sense people have today when it comes to supposed bible teachers. If the shemitah really was enforce in the U.S. then why was there no total wiping out of all debts recorded in all of U.S. history? Even during the Great Depression there was no total wiping away of all debts. During this time the worldwide GDP fell by 15% from 1929 to 1932, which was not a total wiping away. There was mass unemployment in the U.S. at that time but it was not as huge as most people think – unemployment in the U.S. rose to only 25% (again not a total wiping away). Farming communities were hit the hardest as crop prices fell 60% but again it was not a total wiping away of debts but a reset of prices. Also during this time while many debts were written off, the majority were kept on the books and still service by the remaining 75% of the people who were still employed. About 5,000 banks failed but those assets and debts were bought by other banks (again no total wiping away of debts).

    I don’t mind preachers as long as they teach what is actually in the bible and not make up stuff and/or ignore historical facts. Consider that during this time President Hoover and Congress approved the Federal Home Loan Bank Act, to spur new home construction, and reduce foreclosures via debt. The Hoover Administration stimulated the economy via Emergency Relief and Construction Act (ERA) which included funds (via more debt) for public works programs such as dams and the creation of the Reconstruction Finance Corporation (RFC) in 1932. The Reconstruction Finance Corporation was a Federal agency with the authority to lend up to $2 billion to rescue banks and restore confidence in financial institutions.

    Cahn says that in a shemitah that all debts are totally wiped away (and the bible does say this but only to the nation of Israel in the Promised land) but we did not see this in the 1929 crash and or the Great Depression. Matter of fact during this time debts actually GREW!

    In 1929, federal expenditures constituted only 3% of the GDP. The national debt as a proportion of GNP rose under Hoover from 20% to 40%! Roosevelt kept it at 40% until the war began, when it soared to 128%. So much for the shemitah wiping out all debts – heck it didn’t even come close to wiping out all debts in THE worst time in the U.S. history.

    The other lack of common sense of believers that follow Cahn is the facts of their own family history. In my life during all the ‘shemitah’ years there was NEVER any wiping away of all debts. There was no wiping away of all debts for my parents, grandparents or anyone in my family history (which includes Lewis of the Lewis and Clark expedition) or during the time my family was in Europe before that. So why does Cahn still try to promote this shemitah thing in the U.S.?

    The other problem I have is that if 15 September 2015 is going to a total crash for the U.S. and all hell is going to break loose then why does not Cahn or others tell people to use their money to prepare instead of promoting his audios, books and DVDs? Why is he asking for donations? Why is he not telling people to preach the GOSPEL? Why is he NOT telling people to make disciples?

    Seems like he is involved in revealing “secrets”, “mysteries” and the “hidden things” of the bible; he totally ignores the clear commands of scripture. I understand he is warning people but why does he feel the need to lie about numbers, percentages and other facts in the bible and in historical facts about American history? In the bible no prophets or any man or women of God resorted to lies when trying to warn people.

    I’m just saying the more I test what Cahn and others who follow him say, the more problems, lies and out of context scriptures are being used. Just be careful of whom you follow, especially when so many problems arise as I have pointed out.

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