What is the “Restoration” Movement?

Will God use our broken stories and the loving influence of the visible church to “restore all things?” Well, not exactly. He is God, and we… well. We are not. There is a “restoration movement” that has been seeping into the visible church and convincing Christians that we are God’s Continue Reading

The Juvenilization of American Christianity

Americans of all ages are not sure they want to grow up. It is common to hear thirty-, forty-, or even fifty-year-olds say things like, “I guess I have to start thinking of myself as an adult now.” Many emerging adults ages eighteen to twenty-three want to get married and Continue Reading

New Age pandemic in the Church

Profanity, pornography, filthy programs on TV and on movie screens are occurrences we live with on a daily basis.  Most of us find it vulgar and offensive.  Our children are watching.  We want Hollywood to stop polluting our culture. On the other hand, the New Age movement (NAM) with its Continue Reading

Rick Warren publicly called to repentance for statements about uniting with Catholics

Christian Research Net is reporting that Pastor Rick Warren of Saddleback Church and author of Purpose Driven Life has made some astonishing statements, causing a call for his repentance: Rick Warren’s Call for Christians to Unite With Catholics, ‘Holy Father’ Raising Concerns In a new video, megachurch leader and author Rick Warren Continue Reading

Tony Blair’s Strategy to Battle “Religious Extremism” starts with young

  Tony Blair, an honorary speaker at the Willow Creek Leadership Summit a few years ago, says that his global interfaith organization wants to teach our next generation to think critically so they can learn to easily dismiss all forms of religious extremists.  Interestingly, Bible-believing Christians.  Lighthouse Trails files this Continue Reading

Hillsong: The multi-million dollar “crazy cult”

Our friends over at Churchtwatch Central (CC) have Australia’s “A Current Affair” report on Hillsong Church (HC). For those unfamiliar with HC, it’s a Pentecostal megachurch out of Australia. HC’s well-recognized music ministry has spread all throughout the globe.   Brian and Bobbie Houston  are the “Senior Pastors” and co-presidents of HILC. According Continue Reading

Is IHOP a cult? One intern’s story

One of the most concerning phenomena I’ve seen in terms of false movements is the manifestation of  spirits – familiar spirits – masquerading as the Holy Spirit. I’ve been reporting about and warning of the dangerous teaching of Mike Bickle’s spiritual influence over young vulnerable students, many of whom are Continue Reading

Apostate Churches Promoting Sin

Bill Muehlenberg has spent thirty years of his life writing books on the culture war. He’s one of the few Christians who actually understand what radical homosexual activists have in mind. “And it sure ain’t pretty.”  Their final goal,” he says, “is to totally silence the churches – the true Continue Reading