Should you stay or should you go now? When God removes the scales of deception from your eyes, you may very well find yourself in a dilemma. The church that you love, attend, and where you were possibly even saved, teaches false doctrine. False doctrines such as word of faith, Continue Reading
Jesus Culture
Leaving the NAR Church: Aimee’s story
“I had been largely sheltered from false teachings for most of my life. That all changed in 2011 when I met a guy who told me about this great church he was attending, and invited me to go with him.” What started out as a kind invitation ended up as Continue Reading
Leaving the NAR Church: Glenn’s story
“I saw what I was doing as a band member as not leading people in worship, but participating in ‘conjuring’ the Holy Spirit to ‘come down’. The Holy Spirit being defined as the euphoric feeling that the droning music creates.“ As you’ll learn from Glenn, oftentimes NAR (New Apostolic Reformation) Continue Reading