
Jesus is King, and we magnify Him.

Berean Research is a resource to help Christians equip and keep themselves and their brothers and sisters from falling into deception. 2 Timothy 4:3-4 warns us of a time when people will not put up with sound doctrine, but will gravitate to a great number of teachers who’ll say what their itching ears want to hear. We believe this deception has never been greater than it is right now. That’s why sound doctrine is so important.

A warning about blogs:

You’ll notice our Home Page no longer lands on the news feed, but on our White Papers. That’s by design. We want you to know that spending too much time on news articles about false teachers can cloud your vision of the Good News of the Gospel, and can even take your eyes off of the finished work of Jesus Christ on the cross. May it never be!  So don’t spend too much time on blogs. Instead, guard your heart with prayer and God’s steadfast promises in the Bible.

Amy Spreeman is the owner of Berean Research She began reporting about cults and counter cults in 2010 with the launch of the radio program Stand Up For The Truth. Amy is a speaker and journalist. She is the founder of Berean Research and Naomi’s Table, writes the Berean Examiner blog over at Pirate Christian Radio, and co-hosts the podcast, A Word Fitly Spoken. She is a contributing researcher for The American Gospel AGTV’s Spirit and Fire documentary series. Contact her at our Berean Research email.

Amy also speaks to women’s groups around the nation and will make her third appearance at Answers In Genesis, for the 2025 Resolute Women’s Conference. Contact Amy at aspree @ protonmail.com (no spaces), to inquire about speaking at your next women’s event.

Marsha West is a veteran reporter who has researched the movements and leaders deceiving the flock. Our sources come from a variety of discernment ministries and researchers. While we strive to share from sources we know and trust, we may not necessarily agree with each and every doctrinal distinctive held by other reporters.


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