“I would hear something bizarre about some “apostle” who had just been to heaven or someone else who had visited hell and I believed it all. I was hungry for spiritual experiences and there was a kind of competition in these meetings where everybody would be hoping that they would Continue Reading
Leaving the NAR Church: Robert’s story
“It was our Christmas Service that year, and it was promised to be “an event for everyone”, so no child care. They opened worship with Hell’s Bells by AC/DC. Yeah, the full song with lyrics posted, and an R-rated video to go with it. We had five guests, and four Continue Reading
Leaving the NAR Church: Kelsey’s story
“I can tell you from my experience in the occult that contemplative/soaking prayer IS transcendental meditation. People being “taken to the heavenlies/different places on earth” are experiencing astral projection. The teachings and practices of the NAR is occultic in nature and is damaging the people who adhere to these teachings Continue Reading
Leaving the NAR Church: Melanie’s story
“There was so much supernatural stuff happening, people claiming to be healed, gemstones appearing on the floor, feathers floating from the ceiling, pink clouds, mist and smells such as lemon floating through the air. I wasn’t sure what was making this all happen, but it was mesmerizing.” Signs, wonders, wild Continue Reading
How deep and wide does the NAR rabbit hole go?
How do you discover which networks of Apostles are working together to reclaim America and build God’s Kingdom here on earth? You click. Just keep clicking, and clicking, and clicking some more, until things click. It takes time to research, and if you’re looking for an easy, bullet-point list of Continue Reading
Who are Family Research Council’s “Watchmen on the Wall”?
Wouldn’t it be great if men and women who are dead in their sins would just stop being wicked and start respecting professing Christians? At first blush, the idea of transforming America’s ever-sickening, vile culture sounds like a great plan. And giving pastors a support network of Watchmen on the Continue Reading
Leaving the NAR Church: Macie’s story
“I felt something push me down. I stumbled up the stairs but kept falling. It must have been the Spirit manifesting itself, I thought. As I sat on my bed, I kept keeling over and twitching. My brother and mother thought it was great. In fact, my brother even videotaped Continue Reading
Leaving the NAR Church: Morgan’s story
“Not really knowing better, I let them do a deliverance session on me. Basically, you sit in a chair, they command the demons to come up and speak, and then they get bound and cast out.” Morgan was immersed in a so-called “Deliverance Ministry,” in which he was introduced to Continue Reading
Brian Brodersen Now Promoting Contemplative Mysticism?
A new report says Calvary Chapel Senior Pastor Brian Brodersen is an active promoter of contemplative mysticism. Last November Brodersen led the Calvary Chapel split, quit his leadership position at the Calvary Chapel Association, and announced he is establishing a new Calvary Chapel Global Network. Today a new EmergentWatch news Continue Reading
Furtick joins Rod Parsley’s 2017 N.A.R. “Dominion Camp”
Elevation’s pastor Steven Furtick is aligning with Jesse DuPlantis, Perry Stone and others for Apostle Rod Parsley’s annual Dominion Camp Meeting. Parsley says he is ready to release a seven-times greater anointing into your life. Check out the promo video: Furtick has been full-on N.A.R. (New Apostolic Reformation) for years, Continue Reading