Ronnie Floyd to preside over National Day of Prayer

Former SBC President Dr. Ronnie Floyd will assume the role of President of the National Day of Prayer. For those of you who are unfamiliar, the ecumenical May event has been organized since 1952. It is a time when millions of people of all religions stop what they are doing and pray in unity with one another to whichever god they worship for the well being of America.

Says Floyd:

The National Day of Prayer must become a multi-church, multi-denominational, multi-ministry, multi-generational, multi-ethnic, and multi-lingual movement of prayer for America.

I believe this is possible by having strategic partnerships with churches, ministries, and denominations. We must create authentic relationships with all people regardless of who and where they are, whatever their age, stage, or vocation may be. With a convictional and competent staff team, we will exemplify servant leadership to all persons.  Source

It all sounds good, until you discover that National Day of Prayer has been hijacked by the counterfeit New Apostolic Reformation (NAR) movement, which seeks to re-establish the governing office of Apostle. These modern-day Apostles, along with their Prophets, have a stated goal of building an end-times army to build the Kingdom here on earth. The NAR movement schedules frequent mega-stadium revival events to unify religions and take dominion over cultural seven “spheres” or mountains in order to activate Jesus’ return. That’s not biblical Christianity, but another gospel. (Here’s what your church needs to know about the NAR.)

Last year we reported that Anne Graham Lotz became Chairman of the National Day Of Prayer, after having received a ” Prayer Mantle of Leadership” from her predecessor, Shirley Dobson.  The NAR is the only group of professing Christians who use the term “prayer mantle.”

Why are so many preachers now talking about mantles? We hear them figuratively “bestowing a mantle on the next generation,” like Hillsong’s Christine Cain did at Passion 2015, or Saddleback’s Kenny Luck.  Kris Vallotton got the “Mantle of Jesus Christ.”  Remember when NAR leaders bestowed a mantle of government on Donald Trump? These leaders are not looking for the Kingdom of God to come; they’re building their own right here on earth, and appointing themselves as divine leaders.

Floyd is the senior pastor of Cross Church and past president of the Southern Baptist Convention. No stranger to multi-mega unity gatherings in which doctrinal lines are blurred at best, Floyd joined hands with Word of Faith leader and Catholic apologist Kenneth Copeland for last year’s The Gathering event.

Floyd also joined with IHOP’s Mike Bickle for OneThing, which featured an interesting mix of Catholics and SeekerMergent leaders in the Evangelical conference circuit.

About the appointment of Floyd to the top seat at National Day of Prayer, Jeff Maples over at Pulpit and Pen reports:

Remember that guy we warned you about in 2014? The guy Al Mohler nominated for the Southern Baptist Convention presidency? The guy JD Greear nominated for a second term? Yeah, that’s him. The one that joined hands with the New Apostolic Reformation (NAR) and Mike Bickle of IHOPKC and downplayed the authority of Scripture as a “matter of secondary importance.” The one who promoted several cult leaders and dangerous heresies such as the “sow a seed” prosperity gospel. (For a recap of Ronnie Floyd’s SBC presidency, see here.)

Read his report here.

What does the Bible say about this kind of ecumenical unity?

Do not be unequally yoked with unbelievers. For what partnership has righteousness with lawlessness? Or what fellowship has light with darkness? What accord has Christ with Belial? Or what portion does a believer share with an unbeliever? What agreement has the temple of God with idols? — 2 Corinthians 6:14-16

See also:




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11 thoughts on “Ronnie Floyd to preside over National Day of Prayer

  1. Just one more reason to avoid organized religion and American ‘Christianity’. God have mercy on this nation, for it is filled with all kinds of strange teachings and false leaders/teachers.
    There is a famine in this land, a famine of sound, biblical truth. Biblical illiteracy is at an all time high, shallow Christianity is rampant. How tragic.

    Come Lord Jesus, come!

    1. Amen, and amen! Remember, we are living smack in the middle The Great Apostasy sister! From here on end, things will be deteriorating quickly. It reminds me of a hurricane the winds start blowing slowly at first, then destruction! Yes! Come oh Lord Jesus.

  2. It is really sad that i live in a place like Southern California, and I’ve only encountered 2 actual Bible teaching with proper expository preaching churches! I know there are a few more (like John McArthur’s) but they are all over an hour away from where I live. Everywhere else it is false prosperity doctrine, fake signs and wonders, and emergent churches. I’m 100% convinced there are probably only 5,000 actual Christians in my age group late 20’s, early 30’s who are bible literate and don’t believe some sort of false doctrines (or could even explain what that was). And this is in a city of millions.. 🙁

  3. This has become a tired old worn out fruitless tradition that incorrectly uses the scripture 2 Chronicles 7:14 as its theme, ripping it out of its context. The promise was made to Israel and cannot be applied to the USA. But the leaders in charge are not discerning enough to know that. Year after year, decade after decade everyone of every spiritual “flavor and variety” join hands and pray as our culture continues to rapidly decay and deteriorate. Once the perilous times described by scripture are in motion – which they are – they will continue until they reach their completion. No one can stop or reverse the birth pangs that will only intensify. God’s plan is being played out on the world’s stage.

    1. Amen and amen! The Great Apostasy is in full swing, once finished the man of sin will be revealed, 2 Thessalonians 2:3

    2. Very wise and discerning comment Sheryl. Yes, they love ripping 2 Chron. 7:14 out of it’s context and think it applies to America, a nation that murders thousands of babies a day, idolizes ‘self’, chases after material things to fulfill lust, is filled with immorality of every kind, and denies there is a God by the very actions they do. America drinks down iniquity like water.

      I was thinking about the ‘birth pains’, that is essential in understanding what’s happening. Things will get worse, evil will increase and everything will intensify – just as it already is.

      God’s plan IS being played out, as we await the Lord’s return.

  4. Something interesting just happened, it yad no bearing on original post, but t dies show how fast everything is coming together. I apologize for being off topic, but there’s no where to post this, and it’s important.

    Saturday, September 9, 2017

    Interview: BRICS summit paves way for new world order: Indian scholar
    Source: Xinhua| 2017-09-08 17:34:46|Editor: Yamei

    NEW DELHI, Sept. 8 (Xinhua) — An Indian scholar has said that the 9th BRICS summit in Xiamen, China “has injected new hope and energy to the grouping if adhered to will pave the way for a new world order.”
    In a recent interview with Xinhua, B. R. Deepak, a professor at the Chinese and South East Asian Studies Center of the Jawaharlal Nehru University, said that with the establishment of various successful mechanisms of global governance, the BRICS is ready to enter its next golden decade with greater and pragmatic cooperation that may see greater economic, political and cultural cooperation.
    During the summit held in Xiamen, extensive consensus on international situation, global governance and BRICS cooperation had been reached, the professor said.
    It could be termed as multi-layered and multi- dimensional cooperation touching political, economic and cultural domains, he said.
    Regarding political cooperation, it upholds multilateralism, calls for a more just, equitable, fair, democratic and representative international political and economic order, Deepak said, adding that it endorses the BRICS of openness, inclusiveness and win-win cooperation.
    “On economic front, Xiamen summit could be said as a turning point as far as consensus on global governance, practical cooperation between BRICS countries,” he noted.”

    You’ve got worldwide religion, the market coming together, all the end days players aligned and ready, all we need is for the Great Apostasy to culminate, then the antichrist will be revealed! Folks, all things are in place! The trigger will be when He who restrains is moved out of the way!

    We should all be praying, time is short!

    1. “Global Economic Governance
      29. We resolve to foster a global economic governance architecture that is more effective and reflective of current global economic landscape, increasing the voice and representation of emerging markets and developing economies. We reaffirm our commitment to conclude the IMF’s 15th General Review of Quotas, including a new quota formula, by the 2019 Spring Meetings and no later than the 2019 Annual Meetings. We will continue to promote the implementation of the World Bank Group Shareholding Review.”

      That’s from the BRICS RESOLUTION summit

      It is my sincerest hope that those interested in eschatology will research this, as it shows the veracity of scripture, God is showing us what is occurring and we are foolish if we ignore His clear warning to His people!

      For those that understand it is amazing to see politically/economically disparate countries and regions come together under the guise of betterment through world governance!

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