Pastor Alistair Begg, who had been scheduled to speak in March at the Shepherd’s Conference led by pastor John MacArthur, has now been removed from the conference website’s featured speakers page* after controversial remarks Begg made in which he gave unbiblical advice to a Christian about attending a family member’s Continue Reading
Alistair Begg and tough decisions
American Family Radio announced it is dropping Alistair Begg’s program, Truth for Life, because of the pastor’s advice in a podcast last September to a grandmother to go ahead and attend her grandson’s wedding ceremony to a transgender person, and that Begg would not retract that advice. Elizabeth Prata at Continue Reading
Leaving BSF: Testimony from a former teacher
This is a timeline that I wish I didn’t have to share. But I love helping Christian women find solid teaching resources, and also warning them about the sand traps in most of the women’s “Bible Study” materials offered in our current time. Please follow the article links provided. If Continue Reading
Tim Keller has died
Timothy J. Keller passed away this morning, May 19, 2023 at the age of 72, according to his son who tweeted the news: Keller had announced in June 2020 that he had been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and would be receiving chemotherapy. A series of tweets from Keller’s account were Continue Reading
Of bones and bathwater
You’ve no doubt heard the sayings, “eat the meat and spit out the bones,” and, “don’t throw the baby out with the bathwater.” These are interesting metaphors for how we as Christians should somehow accept truth with just a tiny little lie baked in. As if there is such Continue Reading
What is Eastern Orthodoxy?
What is the Eastern Orthodox faith all about, and is it biblical? I remember a few years back when Hank Hanegraaf, the nationally syndicated host of the radio talk show program Bible Answer Man, was fired from his radio network after his conversion to Eastern Orthodoxy. When we examine what Continue Reading
Breaking the “theological bricks” and unlearning lies
Jesse Westwood is a 3 year alumni of Bethel Church in Redding California, attended Bill Johnson’s mystical Bethel School of Super Natural Ministry, and has since walked away from the Charismatic Church. I first met Jesse last summer, as we were recording several segments about the New Apostolic Reformation (NAR), Continue Reading
Report: Former Hillsong pastors say they were threatened by Brian Houston
Two former European pastors have accused Hillsong co-founder Brian Houston and the church’s general manager of sending threatening emails during a dispute over the transfer of their church, cash, and assets to Hillsong Australia, according to ABC News in Australia. Last month, Hillsong’s Sydney-based global pastor Brian Houston resigned after Continue Reading
The Progressive Disease of Spiritual Deception in Our Time
Many who once stood firm on the solid foundation of biblical doctrine have gone soft. So soft, in fact, that one can hardly differentiate between the so-called born-again Christ followers and the carnal world. Jesus is not surprised at all, as He warned that this would happen. A a few Continue Reading
Who will replace retiring Rick Warren at Saddleback’s Helm?
During a sermon on Sunday and also on YouTube, Purpose Driven author Rick Warren announced that he is stepping down as lead pastor of Saddleback Church. “For 42 years, Kay and I have known this day would eventually arrive and we’ve been waiting for God’s perfect timing,” says Warren in Continue Reading