This is disgusting to me. And I am about to lose my mind if I see one more conference promising anything other than the eternal Hope we have in Christ. What if my “larger story” isn’t about living to my potential or fulfilling my fleshly dreams for myself, but living Continue Reading
Which Way, Evangelicals? There is Nowhere to Hide
Dr. Albert Mohler, president of Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, addressed the same-sex “marriage” debate and comes out swinging: This is a moment of decision, and every evangelical believer, congregation, denomination, and institution will have to answer. There will be no place to hide. Dr. Mohler’s column is a must read for Continue Reading
What’s mysticism doing at the Catalyst leadership conference?
Remember when Pastor Rick Warren posted a tutorial on Centering Prayer on his Pastor’s Toolbox website, encouraging thousands of pastors to teach their congregants to go into the silence? No? That’s probably because he yanked it down after biblically sound Christians sounded the alarm bells in his comments section. (Good Continue Reading
The Missional Church: Combining the Great Commission with Unbiblical Ideas
Many churches throw about the word “Missional.” Seeker churches use it, and so do other denominational churches. But what does that mean? Of course our mission should be the Great Commission, but in the modern church that just isn’t good enough. And of course it is redundant. It’s like saying, Continue Reading
Pope to Copeland: Catholics and Charismatics must spiritually unite
We are galloping toward a one-world melding of religions, and the ramifications are staggering. Pope Francis has now sent a video message to Word of Faith father Kenneth Copeland, urging a reconciliation between Catholics and Charismatics. This is undoubtedly one of the most significant developments I’ve reported. Please take the Continue Reading
The Elevation Coloring Book?
At first I thought, “this can’t be real.” But apparently, restless youngsters in Steven Furtick’s Elevation Church really are coloring in what is a disturbing message: UNITY: “We are united under the visionary.” At the bottom the page states, “Elevation Church is built on the vision God gave Pastor Steven. Continue Reading
WARNING: Kundalini Yoga’s “Highest Mantra Meditation”
We’ve warned before about the many forms of Kundalini Yoga Meditations, which combine the use of mantras, mudras and pranayama (breathing), to bestow profound spiritual “benefits” to those who practice them. Many Christians are being taught these dangerous but popular meditations in day spas, fitness facilities, hospitals, and sadly, in Continue Reading
True or false prophet? 4 ways to tell for sure
Throughout the Bible, we see true prophets speaking for God, because God told them what to say and to whom. But the Bible also shows us many false prophets. We see these same false prophets in the world today, using Him to claim He points the world to them Continue Reading
Hillsong: The multi-million dollar “crazy cult”
Our friends over at Churchtwatch Central (CC) have Australia’s “A Current Affair” report on Hillsong Church (HC). For those unfamiliar with HC, it’s a Pentecostal megachurch out of Australia. HC’s well-recognized music ministry has spread all throughout the globe. Brian and Bobbie Houston are the “Senior Pastors” and co-presidents of HILC. According Continue Reading
Rick Warren’s Top 100 Pastors to Follow
Joel Osteen? T.D. Jakes??? This is quite a Facebook Post from Pastor Rick Warren. Here he tells is fans which senior pastors — the top 100 in fact – that he recommends his fans follow on Twitter. Of course if you click that link you’ll get the idea that he Continue Reading