Calvary Chapel Association: Ready to move on?

It’s been a tough few weeks for the Calvary Chapel movement. Many are now asking themselves, among other things, if their churches need to find a new name to call themselves.  Mark Jeffries over at Emergent Watch has been following last week’s Brian Brodersen split from the Calvary Chapel Association, noting that Brodersen’s Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa legally owns the dove logo and the Calvary Chapel name itself, along with significant financial holdings.

In other words, the pastor is taking his whole ball of wax and going home, leaving the 1,600 other Calvary Churches uncertain if they can even legally call themselves Calvary any longer.

Jeffries reports that there are many more facts that most Christians are unaware of:


                Calvary Chapel: Truth or Consequences!

By now most of church is aware of the split between Brian Brodersen/ Calvary Costa Mesa and the Calvary Chapel Association. Unfortunately, most of the church does not know the facts. Because CCCM owns not only the name, but significant resources as well– they have the “big microphone”, (so to speak), and essentially drown out other voices. In addition, there has been deception, via censorship of opposing voices, in what many may think are open, honest social media forums.

The real reason Brian has “resigned” from the CCA is because they were ready to remove him. No doubt the CCA had witnessed his continual compromises with, and endorsements of numerous false teachers. The final straws were, first his endorsement of women in the pulpits teaching men and women [see below] and then his apparent disdain for Bible prophecy, for the Calvary Distinctives, and his insulting comments about Calvary Chapel founder Pastor Chuck Smith at the Northwest Pastors Conference [NWPC] on Sept. 26-27.


Brian’s comments at the NWPC were in fact only the latest incident, in what has been an ongoing series of compromises. From endorsing false teachers to partnering with apostate churches in ecumenical “outreaches“, to advocating women in the pulpits teachings man – Brian has gone the way of the emergent/seeker-friendly churches.

In what is probably his most egregious error to date, Brian pulls a fictional scenario seemingly out of thin air, to justify his inversion of the Apostle Paul’s prohibition of women teaching men in the church. See his 10/6/16 Article: Further thoughts on Women in Ministry“.

Brian claims a new alleged historical “context”: that it was because women “were trying to take over the church”, that such prohibitions were necessary. The dangers of this reinterpretation should be obvious. If such a fictional scenario can be utilized to change the meaning of these verses, what verses will be next?

The truth is Brian is the one who has made the division within CC by departing from the solid biblical foundations established by Pastor Chuck. “Now I urge you, brethren, note those who cause divisions and offenses, CONTRARY TO the doctrine which you learned, and avoid them.” – Romans 16:17 Then, when his errors are exposed, he completes his departure by creating his own version of “Calvary Chapel”.

Read the rest of Mark’s article here.

See Also:

Pattern of concern:



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