Jonathan Merritt of Religion News Service wonders why the prophet-pastor of the multi-site Elevation Church is so secretive. I mean, aren’t pastors supposed to be transparent? Well, yes. But according to Merritt, Pastor Steven won’t answer tough questions, especially about his lavish lifestyle. If you haven’t heard of Steven Furtick, he’s one of Continue Reading
False Teacher Alert
Steven Furtick teaches that God Breaks the Law
A little over a year ago Steven Furtick, prophet-pastor of the highly influential Elevation Church in North Carolina, taught his congregation that God broke the law of love. Recently he posted a two minute clip from that sermon on Facebook which caused quite a stir. For those who are unfamiliar Continue Reading
Rob Bell, Aaron Rodgers and “How To Be Here”
Rob Bell’s new book, How to Be Here: A Guide to Creating a Life Worth Living, is going to hit the bookstores soon. And Rob will start a multi-city tour. And do the Oprah thing. The doctrine-denying author’s latest book promises yet another round of worldly, self-focused fulfillment. Not in Continue Reading
IHOP-KC’s Mike Bickle: Powerful evangelist for contemplative prayer
John Lanagan of My Word Like Fire offers many reasons Bible believing Christians should not practice contemplative prayer or have any involvement in Christian mysticism which has its roots in Roman Catholicism, as you will see. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ According to International House of Prayer founder Mike Bickle, “God is calling everyone. Everyone Continue Reading
Birds of a feather? David Jeremiah plans to team up with Osteen and Meyer
Join us as we share the journey of what God has done through our Dream Center, dynamic outreach, and community engagement. You’ll leave inspired and purposeful to make a bigger difference in your community. Be sure to bring your leaders and associates with you to this purpose-driven event. UPDATE: In April, Continue Reading
In Case You Still Aren’t Sure About The Shack and Its Author . . .
In case you still aren’t sure about William Paul Young and his book The Shack—in case you still have some doubts as to whether Young is really of a New Age/New Spirituality persuasion — in case after reading Warren B. Smith’s booklet The Shack and Its New Age Leaven that Continue Reading
False prophets and teachers: Here come more wolves
Warning: Those rumors and false signs and wonders of Jesus’ return that He warned us about? Yes, they are indeed happening. TBN’s David E. Taylor, a Tennessee Latter Rain preacher whose ministry is growing by leaps and bounds, took a video of a “face of God” that he saw in Continue Reading