Do you need “Momentum for your breakthrough?”

The following daily devotional is from one who has been called a great Prophet of our time, by other modern-day, self-anointed prophets of the N.A.R.  Can you guess which Prophet penned this? Read it without skimming. Notice the phrasing: Nowhere does God promise in His Word a “breakthrough” if you Continue Reading

Everything you (and your pastor) must know about the NAR

The New Apostolic Reformation (NAR) is a dominionist movement that also goes by names like Third Wave, Seven Mountains, Latter Rain, Kingdom Now, Joel’s Army, Manifest Sons of God, Charismatic Renewal, and more.  This week we feature our White Paper on this dangerous counterfeit “Christianity” which asserts that God is Continue Reading

Michael Gungor’s “Liturgists” Group Charging 100 People $300 to Question Christian Beliefs

The role model in the Christian music scene who doesn’t believe that the book of Genesis is true, the guy who claims Jesus was not quite being honest with his disciples (or perhaps was mistaken) about the accounts of Noah, Jonah, the flood, Adam and Eve and other Scripture verses Continue Reading

NAR’s Faytene Grassechi uses Empowered21 to teach Luke 4 is about…Dominionism!

Our aim at Berean Research is to alert our visitors to the apostate movements that have infiltrated the Church.  The New Apostolic Reformation (NAR) is one such movement and it’s growing in leaps and bounds.   In his latest piece, John Lanagan alerts us to  Faytene Grassechi and includes a quote of Continue Reading


FUTURISM – TRANSHUMANISM We don’t have to die! It’s the dawning of a New Age, and there is a global plan from the International Congress and others to change the face of humanity, and put a stopper in death, disabilities and disease.  There are some who have made a religion Continue Reading