Megachurch pastor Andy Stanley describes the effort to retain much of the Old Testament as “intellectually ruinous and morally debilitating.” Albert Mohler, president of Southern Seminary & Boyce College, disagrees. He argues that because the Lord Jesus and the Apostles did not “unhitch the Christian faith from their Jewish Scriptures” as Continue Reading
Old Testament
Pastors push musical “tones” to reach God and heal our DNA
Forget the Bible and the Holy Spirit – now you can transform your soul, heal the sick and injured, and experience the presence of God – through musical notes played at a specific frequency. Okay, please don’t forget the Bible and the Holy Spirit – I was kidding. But if Continue Reading
A pastor explains why discernment has disappeared
“You know how to discern the face of the sky, but you cannot discern the signs of the times.” (Matthew 16:3, NKJV) Why Discernment Has Disappeared by Pastor Randy White I am continually frustrated that Christians, even pastors and theologians, seem to have an overwhelming inability to discern the times. Continue Reading