Uh-oh. Donald Trump has put together a team of advisors to help him win the Evangelical er, ecumenical vote. All candidates and presidents have religious advisors (Jim Wallis for President Obama, Rick Warren for Marco Rubio; Bill Hybels for President Bill Clinton, presumably so they don’t say something to offend their voting base. (And you thought it was so that they’d get a healthy dose of biblical wisdom!)

In any case, The Donald met with about 1,000 “conservative Christian leaders” today to make his announcement.Trump told the crowd: “You’re the most powerful group in the country, but you have to band together.”
Says NPR:
Under glittering pink-and-white chandeliers, evangelicals and conservative Catholics filled the large ballroom, some raising their hands and closing their eyes as they sang, “Seek ye first the Kingdom of God/And his righteousness/And all these things shall be added unto you.” …The moderator, former Republican presidential hopeful and former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee, told Trump this would not be an “inquisition,” but rather people had come because they want someone who will “lead this nation out of the abyss.”
Trump’s Evangelical Executive Advisory Board will convene regularly to “provide advisory support to Mr. Trump on those issues important to Evangelicals and other people of the faith in America,” the campaign said in a statement. Here is the “dream team” Trump has put together:
• Michele Bachmann — former U.S. House member
• A.R. Bernard — senior pastor and CEO, Christian Cultural Center
• Mark Burns — pastor, Harvest Praise and Worship Center
• Tim Clinton — president, American Association of Christian Counselors
• Kenneth and Gloria Copeland — founders, Kenneth Copeland Ministries
• James Dobson — author, psychologist and host, “My Family Talk”
• Jerry Falwell Jr. — president, Liberty University
• Ronnie Floyd — senior pastor, Cross Church
• Jentezen Franklin — senior pastor, Free Chapel
• Jack Graham — senior pastor, Prestonwood Baptist Church
• Harry Jackson — senior pastor, Hope Christian Church
• Robert Jeffress — senior pastor, First Baptist Church of Dallas
• David Jeremiah — senior pastor, Shadow Mountain Community Church
• Richard Land — president, Southern Evangelical Seminary
• James MacDonald — founder and senior pastor, Harvest Bible Chapel
• Johnnie Moore — author, president of The KAIROS Company
• Robert Morris — senior pastor, Gateway Church
• Tom Mullins — senior pastor, Christ Fellowship
• Ralph Reed — founder, Faith and Freedom Coalition
• James Robison — founder, Life OUTREACH International
• Tony Suarez — executive vice president, National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference
• Jay Strack — president, Student Leadership University
• Paula White — senior pastor, New Destiny Christian Center
• Tom Winters — attorney, Winters and King Inc.
• Sealy Yates — attorney, Yates and Yates
We’ve reported on a number of these teachers in the past. Many are connected with the Dominionist New Apostolic Reformation.
©Berean Research, 2016
This list should make any discerning, bible believing Christian shudder! The wolves involved will guarantee the apostasy stays in place! You cannot politicize Christianity! They’re both mutually exclusive! Over SUFTT they will be ecstatic!
We as Americans are divided because of politics and religion: Idol worship. We must pray that they both become Christians and do things Christ-like, not party-like or Religious. Luke 19:1-8 and John 3:1-8 must come to pass for both organizations. Amen.
Most of the men who have been President . hav3 definitely not been true Christian. They have been self proclaimed Christians without any f4uit or church members who showed up at Easter and Christmas.
We cannot forget, the world will be ultra religious and ultra political when the man of sin is revealed, politics and false Christianity will play a huge role in instituting the antichrist, the world will NOT be irreligious! True Christianity will never be politicized, it can’t, it’s premise voids modern politics, we live in a post Christian world.
A really scary group. Most with their own agenda. If this is a faith group where are the Jewish and Muslim people of faith? Because they run mega churches or organizations does not mean they have spiritually intellectual hearts or are close to
their creator and redeemer. Re-think.
Clinton also had Tony Campolo as a “spiritual” advisor. I think he was brought in post Lewinsky. Looks like most of his list will come under protection of the Dept of fish and wildlife under the act protecting wolves.
Here is Michelle Bachmann (who is on this committee) talking about this Christian Advisory Committee with Jan Markell of Olive Tree Ministries and talking about Trump’s love of the God of the Bible and God working mightily in the American government right now:
Very, very interesting especially in light of the Berean Research article and connections of the many of the members to NAR.
Listen especially beginning at 6:00 thru 8:00 AND 8:28 thru 13:00.
Thanks for bringing this to light – I find it comical that anyone could possibly think Trump ‘loves’ God!!! He’s a ‘man of prayer’?!?!?! Wow….he understands the God of the bible? Again, wow!
God is working in the Government how? We STILL murder 4000 babies a day, we STILL have legalized sodomite marriage. These folks like Bachman are dominionists in their religious views. They want to use politics and their brand of religion to bring about this utopia kind of world, which we all know is NOT going to happen. Bachman and Palin need to cry out to God for true, genuine salvation, and they need to understand the role God designed for women.
God has given America the type of leadership it deserves…..a godless one. I don’t see that changing anytime soon.
Yes, this is what I call politicized Churchianity. People forget, this world, which includes all governments is under the power of the prince of the air.