Roma Downey casts Victoria Osteen, Kay Warren, Joyce Meyer in TV show

Roma Downey and her husband Mark Burnett, who gave us the unbiblical The Bible and The Son of God films, is now making a 2-hour Lifetime Television series, “The Women of the Bible.” Stop. (just stop.) Back up to The Bible and The Son of God. These two programs were Continue Reading

How to Study the Bible – And How Not To

I’m doing a little cross promoting today, sharing an episode from a podcast that I do with Michelle Lesley called A Word Fitly Spoken. I hope you don’t mind. I’m doing this because I am deeply concerned about the biblical illiteracy I am seeing, and it’s not getting better as Continue Reading


What exactly is discernment? It means “to distinguish, to separate out by diligent search, to examine.” Search…examine… “Now these Jews were more noble than those in Thessalonica; they received the word with all eagerness, examining the Scriptures daily to see if these things were so.” (Acts 17:11, emphasis added) The Continue Reading