Victims of Bill Johnson’s SOZO Ministry speak out

Many churches are bringing a practice called SOZO into their ministry, at the peril of damaging the sheep and possibly shipwrecking their faith. SOZO Prayer is a technique based on psychology and used by so-called “inner healing ministries” sweeping churches today. This psycho-spiritual deliverance and inner healing methodology is designed Continue Reading

Sozo – a dangerous “inner healing and deliverance ministry”

Before I get to Kim Olsen’s blog post, those who are unfamiliar with Sozo prayer need to know more about it.  First of all, Sozo prayer is the brain child of husband and wife team Bill (self-proclaimed modern-day apostle) and Beni  (New Age guru) Johnson, both of whom are pastors of the Continue Reading

Leaving the NAR Church: Mike’s story

  I began publishing my “Leaving the NAR Church” series in 2017, and even to this day I receive new entries to publish. There are more than 60 stories so far. These stories are precious to me, and serve as a painful reminder that there is hope for the dear Continue Reading

Bethel, Hillsong, Elevation Worship Music

Should a church use worship music from sources that are proven to be part of the spirit of error and falsehood Jesus warns about? What if the song itself is biblical? Does the source matter? Shouldn’t a song be judged on its own merits and not the source? These are Continue Reading

8 WRONG reasons for staying in a church that teaches false doctrine

Should you stay or should you go now? When God removes the scales of deception from your eyes, you may very well find yourself in a dilemma.  The church that you love, attend, and where you were possibly even saved, teaches false doctrine. False doctrines such as word of faith, Continue Reading