Doctrinal distinctives? Divisions? Not any more. Several major denominations will be blended up smoother than a Vitamix cocktail in a few weeks. This summer, a “Next Great Awakening” is bringing Assemblies of God Supt. George O. Wood and Southern Baptist Convention president Ronnie Floyd together to link arms in spiritual Continue Reading
This week’s Look.It.Up. Question:
NEW! BEREANS: CAN WOLVES BE CHRISTIANS? Jesus warned us of false teachers and “wolves in sheep’s clothing.” Yet many will scold you for warning about the likes of known false teachers (whom we are to mark and avoid), claiming that these teachers are Christian. Opinions are plentiful, but what does Continue Reading
Rob Bell, Aaron Rodgers and “How To Be Here”
Rob Bell’s new book, How to Be Here: A Guide to Creating a Life Worth Living, is going to hit the bookstores soon. And Rob will start a multi-city tour. And do the Oprah thing. The doctrine-denying author’s latest book promises yet another round of worldly, self-focused fulfillment. Not in Continue Reading
Let’s stop snuggling the wolves
No matter how much love and humility Bereans have, they tend to take a lot of arrows from their own when contending. Many times when those who stand firm in God’s Word as truth are told they have a critical spirit, it is because we have stepped on the tender Continue Reading
Meet the “Harbinger Man”?
“There are few books that change the course of a nation. Rabbi Jonathan Cahn’s book, The Harbinger, is such a book.” – WND Seriously? WND, a ministry that promotes everything from blood moons to mystical soaking prayers, is the go-to news site for millions of Christians. It also heavily promotes Continue Reading
War Room: Buyer beware! Needs some discernment to watch
In his commentary, Glenn E. Chatfield touches on some of War Room’s theological problems and also discusses what he feels are the movie’s positive aspects. All in all what he has to say is fair and balanced. In my view, the Kendrick brothers certainly have good intentions in making “Christian” Continue Reading
Discernment as Free Speech
The following is an article by Sarah Leslie of Herescope, and is republished her with her permission: “…Men and brethren, let me freely speak unto you…. “ ~Peter, the Apostle (Acts 2:29) Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging Continue Reading
David Barton prays an anointing on Glenn Beck
One must wonder why Christian historian David Barton and Mormon Glenn Beck have been spending so much time together. And when they pray, what are they praying for? Is it Beck’s repentance and salvation in Jesus Christ of the Bible? Well, not exactly. As a follow up to Marsha’s must-read Continue Reading
10 Scriptural reasons Jesus Calling is a dangerous book
Do you get flustrated trying to explain to your church friends why the book Jesus Calling is one we should be avoiding? My friend Warren B. Smith has just put together a new Lighthouse Trails Booklet Tract to help. It’s a 16-page explanation that you can hand out at your Continue Reading
Part 2 Review: “7: An Experimental Mutiny Against Excess”
What if everything you and your family did to honor God had you counting to seven? Even to the point of employing Catholic mysticism into 7 sacred pauses? (You’re probably thinking, “huh?”) Last week in my post, Woman, just try harder!, we reviewed Part I of Elizabeth Prata’s excellent article Continue Reading