By Bill Muehlenberg War has been declared on normality, reality, biology, morality and sanity. The militant homosexual/transgender revolutionaries have unleashed a reign of terror on everyone and everything that stands in their way. And everywhere casualties are mounting up. All this chaos, carnage and confusion is being brought upon us Continue Reading
Do you like guessing games?
I love games. Raised on Clue, Monopoly and anything trivia-related, I can get pretty competitive. Yes, this newest game over at Church Watch Central is right up my ally, given the chance to use my knowledge of stuff I’ve researched the past several years. But guess what? I’m stumped at Continue Reading
Homosexual Men “Divorce” to Become Threesome, Now Plan to Use Sisters as Surrogates
Heather Clark, Christian News Network columnist, reports this disturbing, albeit not surprising, story about what will happen in an “anything goes” society like Canada’s. This is just the beginning, brethren, and it’s coming to America: Two homosexual men recently “divorced” under Canadian law so that they could include a third man Continue Reading
Dancing on Money [VIDEO]: Creflo Dollar’s Cash Foundation
If you’ve never seen this video of prosperity preachers Creflo Dollar and LeRoy Thompson dancing across their stage on the dollar bills of congregants, you’d best gird your loins first with truth: For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who by Continue Reading
Creflo Dollar removes posts claiming Jesus died to give us “financial prosperity”
I am a huge proponent of screencap. Capturing an image before a false teacher or wolf or talk show host or author realizes he’s been caught peddling falsehoods is often the only way sheep will realize just how deceitful their beloved Christian celebrities really are. So when I saw that Continue Reading
Birds of a feather? David Jeremiah plans to team up with Osteen and Meyer
Join us as we share the journey of what God has done through our Dream Center, dynamic outreach, and community engagement. You’ll leave inspired and purposeful to make a bigger difference in your community. Be sure to bring your leaders and associates with you to this purpose-driven event. UPDATE: In April, Continue Reading
The Billion Souls network wants churches to Bring Back The King
There is a major effort by the “Billion Souls Network” to “Bring Back The King” by finishing the Great Commission by AD 2100. This Dominionist movement is not only not biblical, it is downright dangerous. (see our White paper on NAR Dominionism to begin your research.) What is the Billion Continue Reading
Church of Scotland minister says to teach Jesus died for sins is “ghastly theology”
“Jesus did not die for our sins. No No No No. That is Ghastly theology. Don’t go there.” This “Pastor” has now joined the ranks of rank heresy shared by Brian Mclaren, Tony Jones, Rob Bell, Jay Bakker and many others who deny propitiation, or atonement for sins that Jesus’ Continue Reading
Why I do not recommend Kendrick Brothers’ new movie, “War Room”, part 1
Elizabeth Prata of The End Time reviews the Christian film “War Room.” In part 1 she sheds light on some of the glaring theological problems with the film and also deals with other Kendrick brothers’ productions, such as “Fireproof” and “Courageous.” The brothers may have good intentions in making “Christian” Continue Reading
Phyllis Tickle, who championed a church paradigm shift, is dead
It was lung cancer. Sadly, the emergent-New Ager clung to her teachings that Christendom must evolve. She frequently appeared with Brian McLaren, Tony Jones, Doug Pagitt and those of other faiths to ring in a new era in the modern Church. Tickle believed that throughout history, the Christian Church evolves Continue Reading