Heather Clark of Christian News Network has written a piece that we decided to post to alert parents that their child may be attempting to summon a demon. You heard that right. Small children are messing around in the spiritual realm. They’re playing a game called “Charlie Charlie” that’s every bit as bad as Parker Brother’s infamous Continue Reading
Rick Warren’s “Power of a Campaign for Revival and Spiritual Awakening”
Saddleback’s and Amurica’s pastor Rick Warren is talking revival and spiritual awakening! Can it be that he is finally preaching repentance and surrender to Christ? Well, not exactly. We’re talking about a movement by numbers again, from his latest email blast. What does the Bible have to say about this? Continue Reading
Doctor Will Kill Healthy 24-Year-Old Who Wants To Commit Suicide
Ever since she was a youngster, this 24-yera-old woman has wanted to die. So a doctor from Belgium is going to grant her wish. For psychological reasons. Here’s the story: The Belgian euthanasia insanity continues with the case of a 24-year-old healthy woman (Laura) who will die by euthanasia this Continue Reading
How Should A Christian Live In A Culture Given Over To A Depraved Mind?
2016 by Christine Pack at Sola Sisters* and reprinted with permission Before I was born again, I had a number of homosexual friends, and for some reason, I often ended up being a sympathetic ear for them. This was before homosexuality was accepted as normal, as it is today, Continue Reading
Pope Francis: Climate Change and Abortion Are “Interrelated”
A piece in National Journal will no doubt have the far left fit to be tied. Apparently Pope Francis believes what the headline says: Climate change and abortion are interrelated. So what does he mean by that? On his radio show today Rush Limbaugh speculated that the pope is essentially saying, “Look, you cannot have Continue Reading
Michael Gungor’s “Liturgists” Group Charging 100 People $300 to Question Christian Beliefs
The role model in the Christian music scene who doesn’t believe that the book of Genesis is true, the guy who claims Jesus was not quite being honest with his disciples (or perhaps was mistaken) about the accounts of Noah, Jonah, the flood, Adam and Eve and other Scripture verses Continue Reading
How to attract goats to your church
Is church about saints (those who are saved), or sinners goats? Look, we’re all sinners; we need to use our words correctly. Those who have repented and put their trust in Christ alone for their salvation are saints. Another great word we can use here is sheep. The opposite term Continue Reading
Matthew Vines quietly holds private meetings with Christian leaders
In his newsletter, Matthew Vines, author of God and the Gay Christian and founder of The Reformation Project (to reform biblically-based churches to accepting homosexuality and gay marriage), wrote this: Pretty amazing news: Yesterday, evangelical leader Tony Campolo announced his support for “gay Christian couples” in the church, changing his Continue Reading
Saddleback Church raising $71 million for its largest expansion yet
Pastor Rick Warren is asking people to donate their hard earned money to open 10 more Saddleback campuses in Southern California. Even teens are getting into the act as you will see in Orange County Register’s piece. They’re called PEACE centers and they’ll provide assistance locally with food, medical help and counseling, Helping Continue Reading
Tony Campolo Calls for Full Inclusion of LGBT Into the Church
The founder of Red Letter Christians and Emergent Church leader Tony Campolo has called for full inclusion of gay and lesbian “Christians” into the church. Campolo is a “Progressive Christian” (read: liberal) so it comes as no surprise that he would go against the clear teaching of Scripture on the sin of Continue Reading