Christians, you have GOT to stop fooling around with the enneagram. Did you know that the nine “types” in the enneagram actually came from an occultist and his “spirit guide?” (i.e., demon.) The popularity of the enneagram teachings in mainline and mega churches has exploded in the past year as Continue Reading
Hillsong’s Brian Houston says he will step down
Hillsong founder Brian Houston has announced he will be transitioning away from his current role as global senior pastor. According to the New York Post, Houston, who founded Hillsong, told his congregants this past Sunday that while he and his wife Bobbie will continue to be involved in Hillsong, he Continue Reading
Evangelicalism has been hijacked by woke elitist progressive “Christians”
What does it mean to be an Evangelical? Many of us no longer identify as an evangelical. The word now means something completely different from what I first thought it meant years ago: Bible believing, Gospel-centered, Jesus-following Christian. Not any more. Here’s an excerpt: In days gone by Evangelical differentiated Continue Reading
How to Study the Bible – And How Not To
I’m doing a little cross promoting today, sharing an episode from a podcast that I do with Michelle Lesley called A Word Fitly Spoken. I hope you don’t mind. I’m doing this because I am deeply concerned about the biblical illiteracy I am seeing, and it’s not getting better as Continue Reading
* Update from Berean Research on this content
*While we believe the article you’ve linked from is factual and attributed correctly, we can no longer recommend this author as a biblically sound source for any Christian information.
Why today’s “prophets” aren’t prophets
The best definition of the New Apostolic Reformation (NAR) movement is: A fast-growing Dominionist movement of new Apostles and Prophets who will lead God’s end-times army in establishing His kingdom on earth, by taking authority over earthly and spiritual realms. Let’s talk about the word Prophet. How do we define Continue Reading
Oxford Changes Definition of Man and Woman to Be More LGBT Inclusive
The original definition by the Definer is good enough: “And God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them.” Gen. 1:27 News from Christian Headlines (Not an endorsement of site or those quoted): “Oxford University Press, which publishes Continue Reading
Pope calls for civil union laws for same-sex couples
“Homosexuals have a right to be part of the family. They’re children of God and have a right to a family. Nobody should be thrown out, or be made miserable because of it. What we have to create is a civil union law. That way, they are legally covered. I Continue Reading
Christians and Halloween: Where do you land?
Many Christians are reconsidering how they approach a culturally favorite tradition – especially in America – Halloween. Do we avoid it entirely, leverage it as an outreach opportunity, or keep the traditions of candy, princess and superhero costumes? Not all Christians take part in Halloween. Some have taken a step Continue Reading
LifeWay’s blasphemous new Gen Z “bible devo”
UPDATE: LifeWay pulls book after outcry (see statement) There’s a rad new Bible devotional in the hood, a whole new reimagining of God’s Word, and it goes a little something like this: Sunday Cool, a T-shirt screen printing company founded in 2016, has partnered with LifeWay to write a “devo” Continue Reading