Millions of young people around the world are being told that they can soon supernaturally receive the hovering mantle of evangelism from the late Billy Graham, and that this opportunity will be theirs on February 23. Please hear me, Christian, there is no “mantle” from any person dead or alive Continue Reading
Should a church use worship music from sources that are proven to be part of the spirit of error and falsehood Jesus warns about? What if the song itself is biblical? Does the source matter? Shouldn’t a song be judged on its own merits and not the source? These are Continue Reading
I began publishing my “Leaving the NAR Church” series in 2017, and even to this day I receive new entries to publish. There are nearly 60 stories so far. These stories are precious to me, and serve as a painful reminder that there is hope for the dear deceived ones Continue Reading
There is a major effort by the “Billion Souls Network” to “Bring Back The King” by finishing the Great Commission by the year 2100. The Billion Soul Network Coalition comprises more than 1,300 denominations and organizations, along with more than 400,000 local churches, committed to synergizing their efforts together to Continue Reading
The pastor travels internationally and has connections with several NAR leaders in several nations. He would name drop famous leaders in the NAR as if he were good friends with them, when the truth was he had only met a few or had done a conference or meeting with them. is Continue Reading
A reader from Australia writes: Dear Berean Research, Having come from Charismatic circles, I was involved for many years with the Aglow movement. It was started in the USA back in 1967. While the ladies themselves were a huge help to me, the slippery slope to the ministry being involved Continue Reading
In an age when most self-proclaimed Christians are actually certifiable heretics (no really, check out the link – it’s not satire), where can we flee? Is it possible to filter out the heresy, and create a safe space for Christians fleeing from the wolves that have infiltrated the visible Church? Continue Reading
If it seems like we’re “hitting hard” on Calvary Chapels and Pastor Greg Laurie, I can assure readers that we’re not out to attack anyone. But Laurie’s actions as of late have crossed over from mildly concerning to five-alarm status. Especially for the Calvary Chapel pastors who are sitting on Continue Reading
A Calvary Chapel pastor who warned of false teachings and apostate movements seeping into the Calvary Chapel organization has been removed from his regional leadership position, and is now removing his local congregation out of the Calvary Chapel Association altogether. Pastor Dwight Douville of Calvary Chapel Appleton Wisconsin was informed Continue Reading
The New Apostolic Reformation (NAR) is a dominionist movement that also goes by names like Third Wave, Seven Mountains, Latter Rain, Kingdom Now, Joel’s Army, Manifest Sons of God, Charismatic Renewal, and more. This week we feature our White Paper on this dangerous counterfeit “Christianity” which asserts that God is Continue Reading