Christian Dwell app promotes New Age, Lectio Divina, Mysticism

Christian meditation apps, such as Dwell, contain unbiblical and potentially spiritually dangerous methods such as Lectio Divina, breathwork, ecumenism, and monastic mysticism. Doreen Virtue compares audio clips of her pre-salvation New Age meditations to the meditations on Dwell, so you can hear the similar hypnotic induction techniques: If you’re not Continue Reading

Necromancy ​in the Church: Promise Keepers and Steve Berger

Necromancy is the practice of communing and interacting with the dead, an abomination God strictly prohibits: “There shall not be found among you anyone who burns his son or his daughter as an offering,[a] anyone who practices divination or tells fortunes or interprets omens, or a sorcerer or a charmer or a medium or a necromancer or one Continue Reading

Shepherd’s Conference removes Alistair Begg from speaker lineup

Pastor Alistair Begg, who had been scheduled to speak in March at the Shepherd’s Conference led by pastor John MacArthur, has now been removed from the conference website’s featured speakers page* after controversial remarks Begg made in which he gave unbiblical advice to a Christian about attending a family member’s Continue Reading

Leaving BSF: Testimony from a former teacher

This is a timeline that I wish I didn’t have to share. But I love helping Christian women find solid teaching resources, and also warning them about the sand traps in most of the women’s “Bible Study” materials offered in our current time. Please follow the article links provided. If Continue Reading

Of bones and bathwater

  You’ve no doubt heard the sayings, “eat the meat and spit out the bones,” and, “don’t throw the baby out with the bathwater.” These are interesting metaphors for how we as Christians should somehow accept truth with just a tiny little lie baked in. As if there is such Continue Reading