An Open Letter to Beth Moore

The following five questions have been asked publicly to well-known women’s (and unfortunately men’s) Bible teacher Beth Moore, about her seemingly supportive stance with those who affirm homosexuality in the visible church. I am among a group of several women bloggers who were asked to endorse and publish the following Continue Reading

Lou Engel ends “The Call” to usher in Billy Graham’s “mantle”

Millions of young people around the world are being told that they can soon supernaturally receive the hovering mantle of evangelism from the late Billy Graham, and that this opportunity will be theirs on February 23. Please hear me, Christian, there is no “mantle” from any person dead or alive Continue Reading

Holding on.

Discernment Ministry. What do you think of when you hear or read that term? Does your nose wrinkle a little? Does your upper lip curl in disgust? A lot of good, solid, caring, sheep-loving discerning writers are being told not to quit their day jobs due to the actions of Continue Reading

Jackie Hill-Perry: The Heterosexual Gospel

Jackie Hill-Perry is an American poet, writer, hip hop artist and a professing Christian. When she penned a piece expressing her view that Christians should stop telling gay people that God can make them straight, not surprisingly what she said provoked a storm of criticism from those who disagree with Continue Reading

Why Apostles are NOT for today, Part 1

If you’re looking for a simple definition of the New Apostolic Reformation (NAR), I’ve come up with this: The NAR is a fast-growing Dominionist movement of new Apostles and Prophets who will lead God’s end-times army in establishing His kingdom on earth, by taking authority over earthly and spiritual realms. Continue Reading

What you need to know about “A Billion-Soul Harvest 2018”

There is a major effort by the “Billion Souls Network”  to “Bring Back The King” by finishing the Great Commission by the year 2100. The Billion Soul Network Coalition comprises more than 1,300 denominations and organizations, along with more than 400,000 local churches, committed to synergizing their efforts together to Continue Reading