In case you thought Rick Warren was fading into the background giving the New Apostolic Reformation the spotlight, think again. While the NAR “apostles” target youth ripe for revival, Warren is back in the saddle targeting pastors around the globe for his one-world P.E.A.C.E. Plan. For the first time in Continue Reading
Trump announces new “Christian” Advisory Committee
Uh-oh. Donald Trump has put together a team of advisors to help him win the Evangelical er, ecumenical vote. All candidates and presidents have religious advisors (Jim Wallis for President Obama, Rick Warren for Marco Rubio; Bill Hybels for President Bill Clinton, presumably so they don’t say something to offend Continue Reading
Jihadist Mass Murder In America; Will Russell Moore Continue To Ally The SBC With Evil?
Pulpit & Pen author Bud Alheim asks the question, and indeed it is one that needs to be answered: Early this Sunday morning, June 12, 49 people in a gay night club in Orlando, Florida were murdered. Over 50 more were injured in what is already being referred to as Continue Reading
“Apostle” Heidi Baker distances herself from the NAR
As the New Apostolic Reformation (NAR) rapidly grows, its anointed leaders seem to be distancing themselves from the NAR label. Especially now that discernment reporters are shining the light of Scripture on this movement and Christians are beginning to take notice – and question their pastors. One such reporter, Holly Continue Reading
“Dream Destiny” is code for “Another (NAR) Gospel”
Does God put a dream destiny in your heart? Did He make you for a God-sized dream? The words, “dream destiny,” or, “God’s dream” are popping up in a significant number of sermons and books by celebrity pastors. It’s as if they’re all preaching from the same strange hymnal. Once Continue Reading
Aborted babies DO live
Abortion does one thing: End the life of a human being. A baby that was alive for weeks and months, suddenly and violently murdered. For abortionists, it’s a clump of tissue that to them was already dead. But sometimes their own eyes are yanked open by the brutal reality of Continue Reading
Why won’t Steven Furtick answer tough questions about his ministry?
Jonathan Merritt of Religion News Service wonders why the prophet-pastor of the multi-site Elevation Church is so secretive. I mean, aren’t pastors supposed to be transparent? Well, yes. But according to Merritt, Pastor Steven won’t answer tough questions, especially about his lavish lifestyle. If you haven’t heard of Steven Furtick, he’s one of Continue Reading
Behavior Modification vs. Repentance
Evangelical psychology tells us we can re-wire the brain to get rid of our “stinkin’ thinkin,” but the Bible tells us there are no such shortcuts to circumvent true repentance. Eric Davis over at Cripplegate has written a very good piece on this, and if you’ve ever been through one Continue Reading
Atheists’ ridiculous argument against the Ark Encounter
So much for “tolerance” and “free speech.” These secular leftist fools only want you to think the way THEY want you to think. Freedom is a sham in their world. They want you to NOT go to the Answers In Genesis Ark Encounter, because God is a genocidal maniac and Continue Reading
Shirley Dobson Passes Prayer Mantle to Anne Graham Lotz?
Anne Graham Lotz is now the next Chairman of the National Day Of Prayer, having received a ” Prayer Mantle of Leadership” from her predecessor, Shirley Dobson. An interesting choice of words, “Prayer Mantle.” We Christians tend to use a lot of words that can leave those who don’t share Continue Reading