
Greg Laurie and the SBC: “Surely Becoming Charismatic”

What in the world is going on with Greg Laurie? For this article you will need to remember our recent reports, Azusa Now, Catholics and…Greg Laurie? and, “Together 2016”: Denominations link arms with Chrislebrities to erase doctrinal divisions, and, Calvary Chapel Pastor Posts Photo Standing With New Age Advocate Roma Continue Reading

“Young Messiah” makes merchandise of men’s souls

You can’t have a Christiollywood blockbuster without the bling.  While you won’t find Young Messiah Happy Meal toys in your fast food, the Jesus trading cards and games introduce a whole new kind of fandom. Successful movies require bling. Successful Christian genre films require endorsements and film-based preaching. From sermon Continue Reading

Bethel’s Medical Healing Conference to bring army; activate impartation

A gathering of medical professionals who pray for their patients seems like a fantastic idea, in the right context. But there is more to Bethel Church’s upcoming Medical Healing Conference than meets the eye. The April event starring self-proclaimed “prophet” Bill Johnson invites medical professionals to experience Bethel and “marry Continue Reading

Your Choice: Homosexual Hegemony or Free Speech

Bill Muehlenberg of Culture Watch details how homosexual fascism is on the rise.  LGBT activists aim to silence all dissenting voices and are attempting to destroy anyone who disagrees with their radical agenda. We’re in the midst of a moral revolution that is rapidly spreading across America and pressure to conform to Continue Reading

The Young “Messiah”: Christians delight in really bad fanfiction

Get ready for another collection of unbiblical dialog and drama that NEVER HAPPENED. The Young Messiah is the movie that will be releasing March 11 in theaters across the nation (Just in time for Resurrection Sunday!), but the world premiere happened in January at the Billion Soul Network’s NAR-based Synergize Continue Reading

Prophecy watchers morphing into a mixed Apocalyptic bag

  “Apocalyptic scenarios sell. No wonder there is a temptation to enhance Scripture with extrabiblical and alternative future scenarios. Postmodern teachers are rapidly leaving Sola Scripture to add in mystical components, and the prophecy circuit teachers are no exception.” The intro paragraph above was written by researcher Sarah Leslie in Continue Reading

Azusa Now, Catholics and…Greg Laurie?

There’s an interesting connection between NAR/Latter Rain leader Lou Engle, his Azusa Now unity movement and Greg Laurie’s Harvest America. First, the event itself: “Can you believe with us that denominations will unite, that the races could come together, that God could make us one, as the antidote to the Continue Reading