Hillsong founder Brian Houston has announced he will be transitioning away from his current role as global senior pastor. According to the New York Post, Houston, who founded Hillsong, told his congregants this past Sunday that while he and his wife Bobbie will continue to be involved in Hillsong, he will be shifting responsibility to Gary Clarke, who is currently the lead pastor of Hillsong’s UK branch. “Bobbie and I aren’t going anywhere. We’ll still be around, still be preaching as long as they want us to,” and are “definitely not retiring. We’re not retiring. We’ll be around,” Houston said.
The announcement follows the close of the investigation into the firing of Hillsong – New York pastor Carl Lentz.

The Post reports:
“The official replacement for adulterous pastor Carl Lentz, who was canned last year amid a headline-grabbing cheating scandal, was also announced at the Vision Sunday service. While former real-estate broker John Termini has been serving as the interim lead pastor of Hillsong NYC, taking over many of Lentz’s former responsibilities, Chrishan and Danielle Jeyaratnam — currently the pastors of Hillsong’s Perth and Bali campuses — will formally begin leading the church’s NYC branch.” Article here.
The Australia-based organization has been plagued by scandals and its false teachings over the years, including the heretical Word of Faith and NAR (New Apostolic Reformation/Dominioinism) teachings.
For more information about the Hillsong empire and why you should avoid its teachings and its music, see these resources:
Heresy Hiding in Plain Sight – Examining the Theology in Hillsong Lyrics
The Brian Houston and Hillsong Cornucopia of False Doctrine
Always on: new Hillsong Heresy Channel
Hillsong: Heresy Goes Hollywood
Hillsong: Houston IS The Problem
Hillsong’s Brian Houston faces sex abuse coverup inquiry
Amy, you need to Post and Interview Donald Elley [email protected] who has done a tremendous body of work of exposing and chronicling Hillsong abuses as he was a victim at age 10 and wants hardcore accountability.
Also, reference the Book: “People in Glass Houses” by Tanya Levin and Losing My Religion by William Lobdell exposing the cover-up of child molestation/pedoophile and Homosexual cover-up by assassins of their god also covered well in Don’t Call Me Brother by Austin Miles believe written in 1989.
He takes a stance against Hillsong: Please read the Comments also, https://mariomurilloministries.wordpress.com/2020/10/10/the-underground-american-church/#comments (a lot of brutal information in the comments)
What makes the Assemblies of their god no different than a Mormon Cult and how do we truly know the TRUTH on who founded and funded them because they behave like the Occult. The Occult doesn’t live in truth, The Occult hides sin, The Occult lives in Darkness and The Occult sweeps sin under the carpet. David Wilkerson addressed this hardcore “a message to the assemblies of god, sadly unheeded” and renounced them as addressed to him hardcore the almost 30 years of evil dogma of growing up in cult of aog’s. We weren’t judging fruit, as they behaved more like John 8:44 and John 10:10. Give me one church that truly lives James 1:27!