“A fast-growing movement with disastrous implications”

By Marsha West “The gospel’s most dangerous earthly adversaries are not raving atheists who stand outside the door shouting threats and insults. They are church leaders who cultivate a gentle, friendly, pious demeanor but hack away at the foundations of faith under the guise of keeping in step with a Continue Reading

Mainstreaming Mystic Mindedness

This piece by Gaylene Goodroad is posted on Herescope.  Christians who are involved in Eastern mysticism will read this, see the danger, and leave it.  The Christian who chooses to participate in any sort of pagan practice is in rebellion against God. Eastern Meditation as the Universal Cure-All “For You have Continue Reading

Ronnie Floyd and IHOP Now Bringing Catholic Track

Southern Baptists will not be amused at what their president is doing.  Seems he is leading that denomination down a very slippery slope.  The Pulpit and Pen has the report: Last week I reported on Southern Baptist president, Ronnie Floyd, participating in the Onething Conference put on by the apostate IHOP Continue Reading

IHOP-KC’s Mike Bickle: Powerful evangelist for contemplative prayer

John Lanagan of My Word Like Fire offers many reasons Bible believing Christians should not practice contemplative prayer or have any involvement in Christian mysticism which has its roots in Roman Catholicism, as you will see. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ According to International House of Prayer founder Mike Bickle, “God is calling everyone. Everyone Continue Reading

Christians Mystically Encountering God

For a couple of decades there has been a big push by numerous evangelical leaders to incorporate pagan practices into the visible Church.  These unbiblical practices have their origins in Eastern religions such as Hinduism and Buddhism, likewise the New Age movement.  Roman Catholic Trappist Monks fully embraced Eastern religion’s Continue Reading

AOG Leader George O. Wood joins New Age Sympathizer Leonard Sweet at Luther 2017

“Another Step Toward Rome?” asks Lighthouse Trails in regard to an upcoming Luther 2017 conference.  I will share a snippet of that report (and urge you to go read the entire article there), but first – caution. You may decide to share this on your social media accounts and find Continue Reading

“Charlie Charlie” Ouija Board-Like Challenge Has Youth Trying to Summon A Demon

Heather Clark of Christian News Network has written a piece that we decided to post to alert parents that their child may be attempting to summon a demon.  You heard that right.  Small children are messing around in the spiritual realm.  They’re playing a game called “Charlie Charlie” that’s every bit as bad as Parker Brother’s infamous Continue Reading

Contemplative Prayer

Definition of Contemplative Prayer:  A form of Christian mysticism that allegedly brings about a mystical union with God The mystical “spirituality” that is so popular in evangelical and charismatic circles today is a yearning for an experiential relationship with God that downplays the role of faith and Scripture and that Continue Reading

Going against God “just for fun”

I wrote this piece a few years ago to bring to light the sad fact that more and more Christians were becoming involved in occult practices.  Well, nothing has changed since I wrote this.  In fact, Christianity is infected with the deadly occult virus, thanks largely to so-called Christian leaders, to Continue Reading

Mega-church pastor Matt Chandler apologizes for “mishandling” spouse of child porn addict

After a public uproar questioning The Village Church’s handling of a situation that involved the worst sort of sexual perversion by a TVC missionary, Jordan Root, lead pastor and president of Acts 29, Matt Chandler, apologized from the pulpit for the elder’s “exuding domineering behavior” over Root’s wife, Karen.  This is a tragic Continue Reading