Prophecy watchers morphing into a mixed Apocalyptic bag

  “Apocalyptic scenarios sell. No wonder there is a temptation to enhance Scripture with extrabiblical and alternative future scenarios. Postmodern teachers are rapidly leaving Sola Scripture to add in mystical components, and the prophecy circuit teachers are no exception.” The intro paragraph above was written by researcher Sarah Leslie in Continue Reading

War Room’s Priscilla Shirer’s Contemplative History, and Why It Matters

John Lanagan of My Word Like Fire has written another installment of his War Room series. His concern is that Priscilla Shirer’s movie fans will purchase her pre-War Room products and be exposed to her contemplative leanings. For You have abandoned Your people, the house of Jacob, Because they are filled with influences from Continue Reading

Homosexual Agenda

Note: We differentiate between those who struggle with sexual sin (sin outside of marriage between one man and one woman), and those who advocate for marriage between two men or two women. 1 Cor 6:9-11 tells us there is no such thing as a homosexual Christian. But the Good News Continue Reading