Should you pray for God’s protection from being deceived and then stop worrying about being deceived by the devil? Likewise, once you pray for protection should you then let your guard down, not worry about your need for protection, and embrace all–and I mean all–manifestations of the miraculous? Holly Pivec Continue Reading
Word of Faith False Teacher Joyce Meyer’s Shocking Doctrine and Heresy
For those who haven’t heard this before, Christian celeb Joyce Meyer is a false teacher. In 2011 Fran Sankey of Tower of Truth Ministries and host of Test All Things radio broadcast discussed Mrs. Meyer’s unbiblical and problematic teaching on her program. We’re posting the transcript, which is well worth Continue Reading
Going against God “just for fun”
I wrote this piece a few years ago to bring to light the sad fact that more and more Christians were becoming involved in occult practices. Well, nothing has changed since I wrote this. In fact, Christianity is infected with the deadly occult virus, thanks largely to so-called Christian leaders, to Continue Reading
Cindy Jacobs whups “Jewish witchcraft” to help Empowered21 gathering go smoothly
John Lanagan of My Word Like Fire lays out the ways in which he believes Satan is using the ecumenical Empowered21 and the New Apostolic Reformation to torment the Body of Christ. Following is Lanagan’s piece: But Michael the archangel, when he disputed with the devil and argued about the body of Moses, did Continue Reading
No, we don’t focus on the Illuminati
From time to time, listeners ask us about some of the conspiracy theories out there – especially in the music industry. Specifically, they want to know about the Illuminati, secret societies or symbols like the all-seeing eye. You’ll notice those pastors who are excellent at faithfully preaching the Word and Continue Reading