Many churches are bringing a practice called SOZO into their ministry, at the peril of damaging the sheep and possibly shipwrecking their faith. SOZO Prayer is a technique based on psychology and used by so-called “inner healing ministries” sweeping churches today. This psycho-spiritual deliverance and inner healing methodology is designed Continue Reading
The “Sounds True” “Self-Acceptance Summit”
A 10-day online event promises to make you a better you. It’s called the Self-Acceptance Summit, and I’ve seen several Christians promote it. The event is put on by a group called “Sounds True.” (Are you tempted to add the words, But Isn’t? I know I am.) While Jesus tells Continue Reading
Ronnie Floyd to preside over National Day of Prayer
Former SBC President Dr. Ronnie Floyd will assume the role of President of the National Day of Prayer. For those of you who are unfamiliar, the ecumenical May event has been organized since 1952. It is a time when millions of people of all religions stop what they are doing Continue Reading
“My church practices the ‘Sinner’s Prayer'”
Several readers have asked us, “What should I do if I am attending a church that practices the Sinner’s Prayer?” If you’ve ever been to an evangelical church service or ministry outreach, you know the drill: Head down, no looking around, just you and God, sappy background music, and just Continue Reading
Leaving the NAR Church: Grant’s story
The pastor travels internationally and has connections with several NAR leaders in several nations. He would name drop famous leaders in the NAR as if he were good friends with them, when the truth was he had only met a few or had done a conference or meeting with them. is Continue Reading
Is “Holy Fire” really something we want?
♫ “Set Your church on fire Win this nation back Change the atmosphere Build Your kingdom here We pray…” Rend Collective lyrics, “Build Your Kingdom Here” ♫ “This is a church on fire, this is the Holy Spirit flame We have a burning desire to lift up Jesus’ name Let Continue Reading
Leaving the NAR Church: Elaine’s story
“We operated in automatic writing and speaking, and spoke in tongues without interpretation. The pastor also would take the teenagers on “treasure hunts”. They would pray, receive “clues” in visions and other ways “the spirit” would tell them, then go out into the city and find their targets.” -Elaine I Continue Reading
UK Christian festival features Islamic “worship” chants
Imagine learning Quranic chants from an anti-Christ religion, to worship our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ? That’s exactly what’s going on at a so-called “Christian” festival this month. Christian worshipers at the annual Greenbelt Christian festival near London can now learn Islamic worship chants to Allah. It’s a Chrislamic syncretism Continue Reading
The felt-needs gospel is no Gospel at all
Have you ever fallen for a feel-good gospel that ministers to your ache for feeling special, or longing for admiration from a god who dances over you and thinks you’re the apple of his eye? What about sermon messages or books that help you look deeply into your past pains, Continue Reading
“The Shack” and a Cat Named Judas
Author Warren B. Smith asks a really good question: Why on earth would anyone name a beloved pet Judas? In “The Shack” one of the characters, Missy, has a cat named Judas, which is strange because Judas was among those in Jesus’ inner circle and a trusted friend, yet he Continue Reading