“My leader whom I love and respect called me critical, judgmental, and condemning. He said I was too young and inexperienced, and that I was seeing only through my bias and biblical grid that I’d received at Bible school.” Dean had become a victim of the most vile manipulation of Continue Reading
Leaving the NAR Church: Kara’s story
“The evangelist (Todd Bentley), preached and instructed viewers to lay hands on the TV screen for impartation to occur. I told God I would use that anointed impartation to lay hands on and heal my sick husband…” Kara has allowed me to include her story in this series about a Continue Reading
Leaving the NAR Church: Christopher’s story
“There is a deep sadness in me, a sorrow over wasted years and opportunities. I get angry with myself for having been deluded and so easily led into false doctrine and practice.” Christopher got swept up in the “Third Wave,” another term for the New Apostolic Reformation. I love how Continue Reading
AWANA Now Teaching Children to Hear the Voice of God?
“It is important to remember that a conversation involves two people talking. We need to make sure that we are taking time to listen to God speak to us too.” Apparently that is how AWANA Club students are being instructed to hear extra-biblical voices. But the Bible never tells us Continue Reading
Leaving the NAR Church: Candice’s story
“How lonely and devastating it is to find out that something you believe in so strongly can be so wrong, and that cognitive dissonance disorder is very real to all of us who share this journey.” Candice is one of many Christians who has watched helplessly as the New Apostolic Continue Reading
Leaving the NAR Church: Chrissy’s story
“I would always look up to these people getting “words from God” and wished that I could have this special relationship with Him as they did. I desired it – so why wasn’t God speaking to me the way He spoke to them?” Chrissy has allowed me to include her Continue Reading
Leaving the NAR Church: Sadie’s story
“I felt like someone was guiding me. I saw the throne of God, the houses all a jeweled, and people walking over the gold bridges while beautiful streams flowed.” After visions of heaven, young Sadie’s experience (which she thought was from God), soon devolved into horrific nightmares, depression, and attempted Continue Reading
Sufficiency of Scripture
Did you know that the Bible is all we need to equip us for a life of faith and service? It’s true! And in fact the doctrine of the sufficiency of Scripture is a fundamental tenet of the Christian faith. Sadly, it’s a tenet that has long been under vicious Continue Reading
Leaving the NAR Church: Danette’s story
“The hardest part about leaving a NAR church is that you are broken and enslaved BUT YOU DO NOT KNOW IT – because every time you turn around, someone is preaching ‘Jesus.’ And nobody wants to leave Jesus.” The Jesus Danette worshipped as a child was a counterfeit. She has Continue Reading
Leaving the NAR Church: Kent’s story
“We spoke glowingly of the “revivals” in Toronto and Florida. We wanted to be “drunk in the Spirit” like they were. In one service, the pastor’s message was about how the signs of the Zodiac told the story of the Gospel. I think there may have been one Scripture reference, Continue Reading