
Dr. Michael Brown scolds Bill Johnson’s “critics” for skipping radio show

Dr. Michael Brown took to Twitter today to express disappointment that non-Charismatic Christians skipped out on the opportunity to be on the radio and challenge Brown’s support of notorious NAR cult leader Bill Johnson of Bethel in Redding, Calif. Calling discerning Christians “critics” with “perverted doctrine,” Johnson humbly attacked two Continue Reading

Matthew Vines wages war to make InterVarsity inclusive

Matthew Vines, Author of “God and the Gay Christian,” has been working hard to infiltrate churches across the United States to convince leaders to relax their biblical stance against the sin of homosexuality. Now Vines is personally waging war against one of the largest evangelical organizations on college campuses nationwide Continue Reading

Sid Roth’s new Middle East Television Network to reach millions

This is not good news. If you know anything about the theology of Sid Roth (“It’s Supernatural”) or his guests, then you understand that the announcement that Sid will reach an additional 150 Million viewers in the Middle East is concerning. How many of them will be duped into the Continue Reading

Emergent Catalyst Conference spreads a wider web

The eight-year-strong Catalyst franchise conference aimed at millennials has long pushed a leftist social justice message rather than the Gospel of the Cross. But as we see more and more leadership conferences pushing the message of UNITY, I’ve been noticing of late the premiere Catalyst Conference is spreading a wider Continue Reading

Why don’t you recommend GOOD teachers for a change?

It seems every other day we get a request to recommend “good” teachers. The request is either genuine: (“Can you help me find some solid pastors to listen to?”), or made with a generous side of snark: (“Oh yeah? You’re so busy bashing everyone, why don’t you recommend who you Continue Reading