No wonder The Donald is so lucky with money! He’s been planting seed faith cash into strategic WOF alliances. God will surely smile and bless his campaign….(/snark) Hat tip to Janet Mefferd for sharing this from the Daily Beast: Donald Trump, who meets next month with a group of televangelists, Continue Reading
AOG Leader George O. Wood joins New Age Sympathizer Leonard Sweet at Luther 2017
“Another Step Toward Rome?” asks Lighthouse Trails in regard to an upcoming Luther 2017 conference. I will share a snippet of that report (and urge you to go read the entire article there), but first – caution. You may decide to share this on your social media accounts and find Continue Reading
Planned Parenthood Buyer Wants “Another 50 Livers/Week”
This is a new video just published this morning from the folks at The Center for Medical Progress. Yes, it’s awful, but please do not become numb. I share these not for those of you who already know it’s sheer evil. I post these in the hopes that those of Continue Reading
“I’m a Christ Follower, Not A Christian” gong still rings
The old “I’m a Christ Follower, Not A Christian” gong seems to be ringing once again. Thanks to the Spiritual Formation movement, Christian or Christ-follower is a distinction that is being made more and more today, and it claims to make a clear divide between those who truly follow Jesus Continue Reading
Africa to go Purpose Driven this year?
A year ago I reported a plan by Saddleback Pastor Rick Warren to change the world, or at least a continent: Africa. He started by inviting key pastors for what he calls an All-Africa Purpose Driven Church Leadership Conference.” It’s the next step in his global P.E.A.C.E. Plan. “Let’s take Continue Reading
Discussions with Carl Lentz
By keeping you updated on the continuing exposure of the opposing statements that continue to contradict what one of the largest megachurches in the world has said about two gay men serving in its church, some will tell us we are “beating a dead horse.” We could easily listen to Continue Reading
Report: Pope invites Oprah to the Vatican
Now this is an interesting development. Stay tuned: Pope Francis may be expecting a visit from a group of Hollywood power players, including Oprah and businessman David Geffen this fall, a source told The Hollywood Reporter this week. While the pontiff confessed back in May he hasn’t watched TV since Continue Reading
UPDATE: Hillsong and its homosexual leader issue
When one of Hillsong New York City’s worship leaders announced he is a practicing, unrepentant homosexual, and that he is marrying his fellow church singer and boyfriend, Hillsong leadership says nothing. Josh Canfield and Reed Kelly, billed as the Broadway Boyfriends, announced their engagement for a 2016 wedding. Both are Continue Reading
Shocking gender indoctrination in California: VIDEO
Do not be surprised, but Young children are being taught that they can choose to be a boy or a girl — or both. Boys, for example, should be comfortable wearing girls’ clothes and nail polish, etc. And there aren’t just two genders, there can be a range. And, of Continue Reading
Planned Parenthood President Compares Pro-Lifers to Murderers
Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter! – Isaiah 5:20 If you haven’t seen the interview ABC’s George Stephenopolis did with Planned Parenthood president Cecile Richards, you need to Continue Reading