Oh Canada. Transgender Canadians who have already successfully lobbied provincial and federal governments to make it easier to amend sex designations on key identity documents are now pushing for another change: to abolish gender references altogether from birth certificates. This report via National Post: The B.C. Human Rights Tribunal has Continue Reading
Referring to God as “He” makes women feel “less Christian”?
A group in the Church of England says it will shift the language of worship to call God a female, just to be fair. And to combat sexism. (Isn’t that sexism to change the Father, Son and Holy Spirit from He to She?) The “Rev” Emma Percy, chaplain of Trinity Continue Reading
NAR’s Faytene Grassechi uses Empowered21 to teach Luke 4 is about…Dominionism!
Our aim at Berean Research is to alert our visitors to the apostate movements that have infiltrated the Church. The New Apostolic Reformation (NAR) is one such movement and it’s growing in leaps and bounds. In his latest piece, John Lanagan alerts us to Faytene Grassechi and includes a quote of Continue Reading
Warnings Met With Deafness
Here’s another gem from the pen of Bill Muehlenberg. In this piece over at Culture Watch, Bill addresses the sad fact that those of us in discernment ministries are having to “duck and cover” more and more these days. But not from the bullets coming from secularists who hate the truth and attempt to shoot Continue Reading
Better gear up for the 5 major changes coming to the Church
John Burton has written a piece titled “Ancient and Emerging: 5 Major Changes Coming to the Church.” Before you get all excited, or maybe even concerned over those changes, you should know a bit more about Burton. As it turns out he’s a “prophet” in the New Apostolic Reformation (NAR) Continue Reading
“God” tells NAR “prophet” about Dominionist Seven Mountains plans
John Lanagan alerts us to yet another NAR false prophetess, this time Lana Vawser, who has supposedly uttered a prophetic word form God…..that He never spoke. God speaks to us through His Word, not through pretend prophets. The New Apostolic Reformation is not an organization. These are networks of “apostles” and Continue Reading
Tim Keller, Catholic Mystics, and Genesis I as a poem?
A lot of well-known pastors are promoting Lectio Divina, and many churches are taking that to mean that surely, this ancient prayer practice of emptying the mind is A-OK. In his recent research article, Tim Keller promotes Catholic mystic, rejects Genesis 1 as literal truth, John Lanagan notes that Keller has advocated Continue Reading
Boys: slip on a dress and you can join the Girl Scouts!
Girl Scouts isn’t just for girls anymore. But then again the Feminist Movement has been trying to blur and eliminate gender lines for decades. Now the Girl Scouts of America has changed its policy: Boys dressing as girls can join them for weekly meetings, campouts, changing, sleeping arrangements, and other Continue Reading
“Psst … Lectio Divina … your mysticism is showing.”
One of the most pervasive of all the Contemplative, er, Contemptible Prayers, is a little practice called Lectio Divina. It comes to us via the ancients of the Catholic monks, and no longer sneaks in the back door of our churches – it marches down the center aisle and sits Continue Reading
Emergent Catalyst conference says it’s time to “awaken your wonder”
Catalyst, the premiere mega-conference for Emergent Church Leaders, is sending a curious message to potential attendees of its next Atlanta conference Oct. 7-9: We are hardwired for wonder. Just as the wonder of the world points to God, a sight unseen, so too should our acts of creation bridge the Continue Reading