ROME — The Vatican said Wednesday that it had concluded a treaty to recognize Palestinian statehood, a symbolic but significant step welcomed by Palestinians but upsetting to the Israeli government. Formal recognition of a Palestinian state by the Vatican, which has deep religious interests in the Israeli-occupied Palestinian territories that Continue Reading
“The Shack Up” – Part 1
Lyndon Unger of The Cripplegate tackles the topic of professing Christians living together before marriage. Many Christians feel that there’s no problem with “shacking up” because “everyone else is doing it.” However, they cannot point to the scriptures to show that God approves of “try before you buy.” In Part 1, Unger lays Continue Reading
Rick Warren, Elton John at senate hearing on global health programs
Saddleback’s CEO Rick Warren got a chance to tell U.S. lawmakers about how his Global P.E.A.C.E. Plan will address AIDS and other health issues faster than any government can do. It took place at a Senate Appropriations subcommittee hearing on State Department global health programs. Seated next to Warren were Continue Reading
In the aftermath: Muslims in Niger Burn 69 Christian Churches, Kill 10 Christians and Injure Hundreds
The headline is horrific, but there is an amazing thing happening in Niger: God is supernaturally transforming hearts, and giving victims and an entire community a heart of forgiveness: “My prayer is that they would come to know Jesus and that the Lord would touch them even in a dream. Continue Reading
Pastors push musical “tones” to reach God and heal our DNA
Forget the Bible and the Holy Spirit – now you can transform your soul, heal the sick and injured, and experience the presence of God – through musical notes played at a specific frequency. Okay, please don’t forget the Bible and the Holy Spirit – I was kidding. But if Continue Reading
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“Jesus Calling” Book Sales Soar After Walker Speech at Iowa Faith Summit
Things Jesus our Savior never said, but the false spirit of “Jesus Calling” did: When the path before you is dotted with difficulties, beware of measuring your strength against those challenges. Without Me, you will not make it past the first hurdle. Hat tip to Warren B. Smith for alerting Continue Reading
On affiliating with Lifest
Guilt by association or by affiliation? Recently a group of ministries in our local area received an email from Lifest a regional summer music festival where they’ve typically purchased booth space and tables to share the Gospel and their ministry opportunities. The email strongly warned the ministry vendors: As a Continue Reading
Red Alert: “The Berean/Bible Tools” is Non-Trinitarian
A friend of mine sent me a Bible verse from a subscription to a daily Scripture from The Berean, from Bible Tools. (Not to be confused with Bible Study Tools, which is fine). I thought I might subscribe. Nothing better than a Bible verse and commentary sent to my Continue Reading
The Rejection of Sola Scriptura: The Seeker-Driven Movement’s Core Error
“I charge you in the presence of God and of Christ Jesus, who is to judge the living and the dead, and by his appearing and his kingdom: preach the word; be ready in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, and exhort, with complete patience and teaching. 2 Timothy Continue Reading