
Father of “holy laughter” to bring New Apostolic Reformation gathering to Washington D.C.

I’ve never been overly excited about so-called “guilt by association,” but when high-profile Christian organizations team up to affiliate, we need to ask some questions:  Why would professed bible-believing teachers continually team up with New Apostolic Reformation (N.A.R.) dominionism groups, or for that matter those who teach rolling on the Continue Reading

The Juvenilization of American Christianity

Americans of all ages are not sure they want to grow up. It is common to hear thirty-, forty-, or even fifty-year-olds say things like, “I guess I have to start thinking of myself as an adult now.” Many emerging adults ages eighteen to twenty-three want to get married and Continue Reading

No, we don’t focus on the Illuminati

From time to time, listeners ask us about some of the conspiracy theories out there – especially in the music industry. Specifically, they want to know about the Illuminati, secret societies or symbols like the all-seeing eye. You’ll notice those pastors who are excellent at faithfully preaching the Word and Continue Reading

A.D.: Did your church buy the Roma Downey kit?

As NBC prepares to launch a new miniseries, “A.D.”, churches are being marketed to. Hard. It’ll be an easy sell for many, as this series is very entertaining and visually beautiful. “Millions will be watching, including people in Your Church,” advertises uber-popular, urging pastors to “plan a 12 week Continue Reading


The following pamphlet is a new;y released pamphlet by Lighthouse Trails Publishing, written by Warren B. Smith, and reposted here with permission from both. You may order these booklets for $1.95 each from Lighthouse Trails by clicking this link.   Lighthouse Trails Editors Note: Today there is much talk in Continue Reading