“I’m a Christ Follower, Not A Christian” gong still rings

The old “I’m a Christ Follower, Not A Christian” gong seems to be ringing once again. Thanks to the Spiritual Formation movement, Christian or Christ-follower is a distinction that is being made more and more today, and it claims to make a clear divide between those who truly follow Jesus Continue Reading

Church shopping? 35 Key Questions to Ask the Church

I originally posted this late last year, but we’ve had some many requests from people who are looking for a new church home that I’m re-posting to bump it higher: If you are looking for a new church, you need to ask some very important questions of church leadership before Continue Reading

Tony Blair’s Strategy to Battle “Religious Extremism” starts with young

  Tony Blair, an honorary speaker at the Willow Creek Leadership Summit a few years ago, says that his global interfaith organization wants to teach our next generation to think critically so they can learn to easily dismiss all forms of religious extremists.  Interestingly, Bible-believing Christians.  Lighthouse Trails files this Continue Reading

Which Way, Evangelicals? There is Nowhere to Hide

Dr. Albert Mohler, president of Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, addressed the same-sex “marriage” debate and comes out swinging: This is a moment of decision, and every evangelical believer, congregation, denomination, and institution will have to answer. There will be no place to hide. Dr. Mohler’s column is a must read for Continue Reading

New Age

Thousands of people who have been ensnared by the teachings of the New Age movement are waking up to the realization that they are now hostages to Satan and his demons.  Others are still deceived, believing that they have come to a new understanding of themselves by tapping into the Continue Reading