
Leaving the NAR Church: Malcolm’s story

“Anyone could interrupt the sermon, grab a microphone, and give a word from the Lord. This became more common, and the pastors loved it! “ Malcolm was born and raised in a church dabbling in mystical SOZO Healing Prayers,  Soaking Prayers, Fire Tunnels and more. He has allowed me to Continue Reading

Leaving the NAR Church: Dylan’s story

“I had the most painful conversation with my wife that night that I’ve ever had when she got home, and I knew that we had to move out of town and leave Pentecostalism…” Oftentimes I’ve found that psychological abuse goes hand-in-hand with the hierarchy model of the New Apostolic Reformation Continue Reading

Leaving the NAR Church: Katie’s story

“We were told that being uncomfortable just meant we had to breakthrough into what God had for us on the other side…” Katie grew up in New Zealand, where the New Apostolic Reformation and its mystical teachings are infecting many churches. Her particular church dabbled in Word of Faith, SOZO Continue Reading

Pureflix an arm of dominionist International Coalition of Apostolic Leaders

Is Christian-themed movie subscription site PureFlix a strategic tool of the New Apostolic Reformation, or does this movie company simply focus on delivering films with a pro-Christian message? I’m about to make a case for the former. We know that one of the hallmarks of the NAR (New Apostolic Reformation) Continue Reading

Leaving the NAR church: Jessie’s story

“I saw myself as a far superior Christian! I belonged to a church that was restoring prophets and apostles, and was right on the cutting edge of what God was doing on the Earth.” Jessie was fully steeped in the NAR (New Apostolic Reformation) movement without realizing it. Today she Continue Reading

Dominionist “king” Eddie Long dead at 63

The man who was once hoisted high, wrapped in a Jewish scroll and anointed with the title and crown of “King” has died. Eddie long was 63. As part of the New Apostolic Reformation (NAR), Long was given apostolic/leadership authority over nearly 300 churches, over which congregations were to submit Continue Reading