Everything you (and your pastor) must know about the NAR

The New Apostolic Reformation (NAR) is a dominionist movement that also goes by names like Third Wave, Seven Mountains, Latter Rain, Kingdom Now, Joel’s Army, Manifest Sons of God, Charismatic Renewal, and more.  This week we feature our White Paper on this dangerous counterfeit “Christianity” which asserts that God is Continue Reading

Who is Nick Hall?

The big buzzword in Christendom this summer is UNITY. You might be surprised at how many events are gathering millions worldwide and encouraging them to drop their doctrinal differences to hold hands for the cause.  Behind these Unity gatherings you’ll find Nick Hall and his Pulse Movement. What is the Continue Reading

“52 Congressmen made decisions for Christ” – Rodney Howard Browne

There are 435 members of our U.S. Congress. Apparently 52 of them said the sinner’s prayer with (NAR) New Apostolic Reformation pastor Rodney Howard Browne, during the recent Celebrate America 2016 event in Washington, D.C. If you’re a numbers person, that’s roughly 12 percent of our U.S. Representatives who are Continue Reading

“Apostle” Heidi Baker distances herself from the NAR

As the New Apostolic Reformation (NAR) rapidly grows, its anointed leaders seem to be distancing themselves from the NAR label. Especially now that discernment reporters are shining the light of Scripture on this movement and Christians are beginning to take notice – and question their pastors. One such reporter, Holly Continue Reading

Shirley Dobson Passes Prayer Mantle to Anne Graham Lotz?

Anne Graham Lotz is now the next Chairman of the National Day Of Prayer, having received a ” Prayer Mantle of Leadership” from her predecessor, Shirley Dobson. An interesting choice of words, “Prayer Mantle.”  We Christians tend to use a lot of words that can leave those who don’t share Continue Reading

Connecting the NAR dots: Gumbel, Brodersen and the Neo-Calvary emergence

Yes, London is the hot spot for next week’s big gathering of the New Apostolic Reformation (NAR) leaders, peddling their latest “words from God” and visions from the realms of glory. Before you say “ho hum, another heretic convention,” let me point out what makes it newsworthy. These are the Continue Reading

Todd Bentley posts “proof” of angel feathers and gem stones

Romans 16:17 tells us to mark and avoid false teachers. Todd Bentley has been marked and (hopefully) avoided by most discerning Christians, but unfortunately he claims millions of followers around the world who are impressed by his “miracles.” Now he has snapped a photo of something that allegedly fell from Continue Reading

Betrayed with a kiss: Azusa Now’s One World Religion

A kiss is just a kiss? Not when it betrays the Lord Jesus Christ.  It’s been six weeks since I posted: Azusa Redux: Lou Engle, Greg Laurie uniting denominations? That’s a question that was resoundingly affirmed by Lou Engle in the sound of one sloppy wet kiss.  The NAR-affiliated false Continue Reading

Why Mike Bickle’s IHOP needs a warning label for teens

One of the most concerning phenomena I’ve seen in terms of false movements is the manifestation of spirits – familiar spirits – masquerading as the Holy Spirit. I’ve been reporting about and warning of the dangerous teaching of Mike Bickle’s spiritual influence over young vulnerable students, many of whom are Continue Reading