The Empowerment 21 Conference May 11-13 showcases all the usual cast of prophets and prophetesses, plus one more: Nicky Gumbel, the Vicar of Holy Trinity Brompton. This should make those in the Calvary Chapel movement squirm, as it points to yet another recent signpost of a departure from Chuck Smith’s original standards and doctrinal distinctives — not to mention warnings against these dangerous wolves.

Ever since I wrote the book New Wine or Old Deception in 1996, I have had a serious concern about the direction evangelical Christianity has been heading. The book was written and then published by Chuck Smith’s publishing ministry, the Word for Today. It was written as a warning to the church with regard to the “experience-based” Christianity that was happening at that time known as the “Toronto Blessing.”
Without describing the entire Toronto Blessing phenomenon in this commentary, I will say this: The Toronto Blessing was triggered off when Vineyard pastor Randy Clarke came to the Toronto Airport Vineyard in January of 1994. He held several nights of meetings and then lit “the fire.” Randy Clarke had received his “anointing” from the “Holy Spirit Bartender” from South Africa, Rodney Howard Brown.[4]
For years afterwards, the transferrable anointing spread around the world. “It” was also called “it.” Once someone got “it” they were able to give “it” away. “It” was transported to the UK by Nicky from the Holy Trinity Brompton Anglican Church in England. I personally witnessed Baptists experiencing “it” at a Baptist church on a stopover in London from Moscow in 1996 and wrote about this in New Wine or Old Deception.
Nicky who transferred “it” to the UK, leads the Alpha program and has authored much of it. People from all over the world have attended Alpha meetings from many different denominations. While these sincere Christians have believed they were learning biblical truths, they did not understand arsenic was mixed with the topics. Soon teachings relating to the transferable anointing crept into the program. All this is documented in radio commentaries that were presented on Calvary Chapel’s KWVE radio station during this period of time. (Source)
- Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa and the Alpha Course
- The Ownership of the Name “Calvary Chapel,” the Dove, and the Appearance of a New Symbol
- Calvary Chapel Alert For Pastors and Church Leaders: Documenting the Progression of Compromise and Ecumenical Relations
- The Case for Big Change at Calvary Chapel (Christianity Today)
- Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa Pastor, Brian Brodersen, Says Sometimes It’s OK to Attend a Homosexual Wedding
- Brian Brodersen: Just Another Ecumenical Catholic-Friendly Leader
- Betrayed with a kiss: Azusa Now’s One World Religion
- Greg Laurie and the SBC: “Surely Becoming Charismatic”
- Azusa Now, Catholics and…Greg Laurie?
- “Together 2016”: Denominations link arms with Chrislebrities to erase doctrinal divisions
This is part and parcel of the great apostasy unraveling Churchianity. All those smiling wolves are in for such a great judgement. They’ve spent decades corrupting the church, these men and women were foretold by the apostles:
“For the time will come when people will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear” 2 Timothy 4:3
Don’t forget to detail the problems for the Alpha course for those who are unaware.
Another detail that so many sweep under the rug is the demise of Calvary Chapel at the hands of Chuck Smith Sr., before his death. Lest we forget, in 2009 at the Harvest crusade he introduced the big bad wolf Rick Warren as “his brother.” Thus, he embraced him as a Christian and endorsed him publicly as such. Rick Warren is as far from Christian as it gets. (He called fundamentalist Christians who believe in the five main points of the faith, such as atonement, virgin birth, deity of Christ, etc. as enemies of the 21st century. So he called true Christians ‘enemies,’ in 2005, (google and see), but Chuck Smith called him his ‘brother’ in 2009, erasing any former stand Chuck Smith Sr. took against the emergent church and purpose driven, such as in 2006.) So if person A makes themselves an enemy of the church, and person B calls person A ‘his brother’ in respect to beliefs, then person B has also made himself an enemy of the church. According to the bible, yes, there is guilt by association in these cases. See below:
“If anyone comes to you and does not bring this teaching, do not receive him into your house, and do not give him a greeting; for the one who gives him a greeting participates in his evil deeds.” 2 John 1; 10-11
Biblical separation is the rule to be followed. There is a huge judgment of accountability in store for many.
It almost sounds like this article is some sort of back door endorsement of CCCM and Chuck Smith and now we are to bemoan the fact that “savage wolves” have taken over an otherwise “Christian ministry”—–please say it ain’t so. Wasn’t it Mr. Smith that inflicted upon the church the “Jesus Movement” aka “Jesus Freaks” etc. and is responsible for introducing the obnoxious junk that passes for “Christian music” to this day? Why, yes, it is the same Mr. Smith. Is this the same Mr. Smith that gave the church further encouragement to depart from the Word of God with all his aberrant charismatic garbage that was passed off as a “gift” of the Holy Spirit when in fact what he and others taught/teach is much closer to outright blasphemy of the Holy Spirit and not even close to a “gift” given by Him? Why, yes, it is the same Mr. Smith. Is it the same Mr. Smith that goes out of his way to praise every ecumenical hack that comes down the pike, endorsing more heretical doctrines from the pit of hell and calling it “Christian?” You guessed it, the same Mr. Smith, the CCCM. The only difference from Mr. Smith reign of terror over the church and the present day mouth pieces of satan that have the microphone now is that the new crowd is two fold more a child of hell than was Mr. Smith.
And despite all of this people will find anything good to say about CS, CCCM, and those that are ‘in charge’ now. Doing so only exposes the fact that those find good where evil is present do not belong to the Lord, are not saved, but lost & doomed for hell. CS NEVER preached the Gospel, only “another gospel”—-Gal. 1:6-9. Let him be accursed.
Chuck Smith always said that catholicism is Christian, that horrible lie. Catholicism is a cult in reality, a false gospel that leads to hell. But Chuck Smith endorsed it as “Christian” all his life. He was an ecumenical false teacher. So CCCM was always wrong. They just went even wrong-er.
Would be grateful if you could please provide actual evidence for this statement: “But this friendship with Gumbel is not a first for Brodersen, whose partnership with him began a few years back with “Creation Fest”in the UK.” I live within 8 miles of the Creationfest festival, I agree with everything you say about CCCM, Brodersen this emerging CF festival etc. but from my links to it in the past, particularly when the late Phil Pechonis was in charge, I did not know of links with Alpha or Nicky Gumbel to the actual festival. It used to be held on the North Devon coast at Woolacombe, a small affair then. I do know that Ben Cantelon now does the contemporary worship at CF and has done for a couple of years and he is with HTB London. This speaks volumes of course. The fest is on at the momen, very worldly and going more emergent by the year but Costa Mesa has just indicated they are no longer willing to stump up thousands and thousands of pounds so that Brits can go free. needless to say, I do not attend. Thanks.
Would be grateful if you could please provide actual evidence for this statement: “But this friendship with Gumbel is not a first for Brodersen, whose partnership with him began a few years back with “Creation Fest”in the UK.” I live within 8 miles of the Creationfest festival, I agree with everything you say about CCCM, Brodersen this emerging CF festival etc. but from my links to it in the past, particularly when the late Phil Pechonis was in charge, I did not know of links with Alpha or Nicky Gumbel to the actual festival. It used to be held on the North Devon coast at Woolacombe, a small affair then. I do know that Ben Cantelon now does the contemporary worship at CF and has done for a couple of years and he is with HTB London. This speaks volumes of course. The fest is on at the moment, very worldly and going more emergent by the year but Costa Mesa has just indicated they are no longer willing to stump up thousands and thousands of pounds so that Brits can go free. needless to say, I do not attend. Thanks.