Megachurch leader Andy Stanley has made some interesting statements over the past few years. Most notably are his statements distancing himself from the authority of Scripture. Easy to mark and avoid a teacher like this, right? Actually, not so easy. Stanley’s many marketable brands include curricula for children, teens, adults, Continue Reading
Andy Stanley
Getting ‘Unhitched’ from the Old Testament? Andy Stanley Aims at Heresy
Megachurch pastor Andy Stanley describes the effort to retain much of the Old Testament as “intellectually ruinous and morally debilitating.” Albert Mohler, president of Southern Seminary & Boyce College, disagrees. He argues that because the Lord Jesus and the Apostles did not “unhitch the Christian faith from their Jewish Scriptures” as Continue Reading
Andy Stanley: Church Unity Is More Important Than ‘Being Theologically Correct’
“The goal isn’t to be right about everything. The goal is to be one.” “They made cultural concessions for the sake of unity.” In Ephesians 4:13 we learn that pastors and teachers are to equip the saints “until we all attain to the unity of the faith and of the Continue Reading
Parents: If your church is “Turning Orange…”
Has your church “turned Orange?” If your children’s ministry leaders have suddenly put your children’s discipleship in the hands of Andy Stanley’s “Orange Strategy,” you’re going to want to investigate what this program is – and more importantly what it is NOT. After publishing my article on Naomi’s Table this Continue Reading
Emergent Catalyst Conference spreads a wider web
The eight-year-strong Catalyst franchise conference aimed at millennials has long pushed a leftist social justice message rather than the Gospel of the Cross. But as we see more and more leadership conferences pushing the message of UNITY, I’ve been noticing of late the premiere Catalyst Conference is spreading a wider Continue Reading
Global Leadership 2016 continues its carnal slide
The 2016 Global Leadership Summit is kicking off today, hosted by its founder, Willow Creek Church’s senior pastor Bill Hybels. This year’s Summit continues its trajectory in a secular direction by including fewer pastors in its speaking faculty and more worldly leaders. Case in point: In past years the GLS Continue Reading
Emergent Catalyst conference says it’s time to “awaken your wonder”
Catalyst, the premiere mega-conference for Emergent Church Leaders, is sending a curious message to potential attendees of its next Atlanta conference Oct. 7-9: We are hardwired for wonder. Just as the wonder of the world points to God, a sight unseen, so too should our acts of creation bridge the Continue Reading