Youth Testify, a new program launched by Advocates for Youth and the National Network of Abortion Funds is “helping young people advocate for their reproductive rights and reframe the narrative around abortion.” Reframe the narrative? According to Peter Jones, re-framing means that “not a word of warning will be given to young women about the Continue Reading
Marsha West
Andy Stanley’s troubling statements
Megachurch leader Andy Stanley has made some interesting statements over the past few years. Most notably are his statements distancing himself from the authority of Scripture. Easy to mark and avoid a teacher like this, right? Actually, not so easy. Stanley’s many marketable brands include curricula for children, teens, adults, Continue Reading
Downplaying the Devil in NAR
Should you pray for God’s protection from being deceived and then stop worrying about being deceived by the devil? Likewise, once you pray for protection should you then let your guard down, not worry about your need for protection, and embrace all–and I mean all–manifestations of the miraculous? Holly Pivec Continue Reading
Jen Hatmaker: Jesus Came to Affirm the LGBT Community
There is no question that Jen Hatmaker, “evangelical wunderkind who is a one-woman columnist, book-writing machine, conference speaker and all-around mom of five kids and pastor’s wife,” is trying to change minds about what the scriptures teach on many hot button social issues. As we’ve pointed out before, she follows the Continue Reading
Thanks for Nothing
Society paints people as victims. But does the Bible do that? Do we learn from reading the scriptures that although believers suffer unjustly and experience various trials, that those who suffer injustice should view themselves as victims? Certainly not! What the Bible does teach is that we are all dirty rotten Continue Reading
The Gigantic Problem Beneath the Really Big Problem
Something is true because it’s actually true-whether you like it or not. Something is false because it’s actually false-whether you like it or not. Has the American Evangelical Church abandoned God’s Word? According to Steven Kozar of Messed Up Church, God’s Word has been abandoned. In a letter he wrote, Kozar Continue Reading
Helpful Book Reviews: “Girl, Wash Your Face”
The first time I heard the book title, “Girl, Wash Your Face: Stop Believing the Lies about Who You Are So You Can Become Who You Were Meant to Be,” it was on a Twitter feed being discussed by Christian women who were considering this book for their women’s “Bible Continue Reading
Saddleback Church youth mentor convicted of lewd acts with teen boys
Saddleback Church youth staffer Ruven Meulenberg, 33, was convicted Wednesday of molesting two teenage boys on two occasions when they were 13 and 14 years old: Deputy District Attorney Courtney Thom told jurors in her opening statement that the defendant encouraged one of the boys to sit on his lap Continue Reading
Farewell, Willow Creek
Every once in a while progressive-leaning site Patheos has a story worth reading. Like this one titled, Farewell, Willow Creek: Where the “Regular” Churches Can Go From Here, by Jonathan Aigner. I share it here because it captures the frustration held by so many who came out of the seeker-friendly Continue Reading
The fruit of Global Leadership Summit 2018
“How many of us are saving our best for the next life when all we have is this life?” That’s one of the many nuggets coming from an allegedly Christian conference for Christian leaders. While the event distanced itself from it’s controversial founder, Bill Hybels, it remains a conference lacking Continue Reading