Getting ‘Unhitched’ from the Old Testament? Andy Stanley Aims at Heresy

Megachurch pastor Andy Stanley describes the effort to retain much of the Old Testament as “intellectually ruinous and morally debilitating.” Albert Mohler, president of Southern Seminary & Boyce College, disagrees. He argues that because the Lord Jesus and the Apostles did not “unhitch the Christian faith from their Jewish Scriptures” as Continue Reading

Disgraced Hybels faces new sexual misconduct allegations

The controversy over Bill Hybels’ behavior during his reign at Willow Creek Church and his Global Leadership Summit is apparently worse than anyone could have imagined. New allegations of sexual misconduct against Hybels came to light this past Sunday, prompting his successor at Willow Creek to step down and more Continue Reading

Leaving Louie Giglio: A Passion City Story

Many of our readers and/or their loved ones may follow popular teacher Louie Giglio, pastor of Passion City Church in Atlanta He is the founder of the Passion Conference franchise, an ecumenical gathering we’ve warned about before (see, Passion Conference: A Pastor’s Perspective on The Importance Of Truth and Standing Continue Reading

Andy Stanley: Church Unity Is More Important Than ‘Being Theologically Correct’

“The goal isn’t to be right about everything. The goal is to be one.” “They made cultural concessions for the sake of unity.” In Ephesians 4:13 we learn that pastors and teachers are to equip the saints “until we all attain to the unity of the faith and of the Continue Reading

Wm. Paul Young Teaches New Age Lie About Separation on TBN

For those who haven’t yet heard, “The Shack” author, William Paul Young, is from a New Age/New Spirituality persuasion (like Oprah); likewise, Young rejects the Penal Substitutionary Atonement (that Jesus took the penalty for our sins on the cross). So with this in mind, it’s rather odd that he uses the term Continue Reading

“The Shack” and a Cat Named Judas

Author Warren B. Smith asks a really good question: Why on earth would anyone name a beloved pet Judas? In “The Shack” one of the characters, Missy, has a cat named Judas, which is strange because Judas was among those in Jesus’ inner circle and a trusted friend, yet he Continue Reading

Tony Evans & Spiritual Warfare: Demon Busting With A Less Than Sovereign God

Bud Ahlheim reviews celebrity pastor Tony Evans’ book “Prayers for Victory and Spiritual Warfare.” Evans is the father of another celebrity, women’s Bible study teacher, speaker and author Priscilla Shirer.  From Ahlheim’s report we learn some troubling things about Pastor Evans’ theology.  Ahlheim shows that Evans’ teaching on spiritual warfare Continue Reading

Priscilla Shirer & Women’s Bible “Mis-studies”: When Your Church Doesn’t Care About Your Soul (Or The Scripture)

Bud Ahlheim warns of the abominable teaching that’s coming to a church near you — perhaps even the church you attend!  “This is a reminder about the danger of Shirer,” says Ahlheim.  “It does not take much discernment to recognize her as a false teacher with toxic teaching. If Christ’s Continue Reading

Why won’t Steven Furtick answer tough questions about his ministry?

Jonathan Merritt of Religion News Service wonders why the prophet-pastor of the multi-site Elevation Church is so secretive.  I mean, aren’t pastors supposed to be transparent?  Well, yes. But according to Merritt, Pastor Steven won’t answer tough questions, especially about his lavish lifestyle.  If you haven’t heard of Steven Furtick, he’s one of Continue Reading