Is it just me, or are discernment ministries getting raked over the coals? And is it deserved? Early last summer I stepped back from my daily blogging and posting activities. Not by choice, but medical necessity. Eight months and three surgeries later, I’ve been slowly dipping a toe back in, Continue Reading
Amy S.
Fill in the blank; abortion billboards call evil good
In God’s Word, He warns us, “Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter.” (Isaiah 5:20) Our children are being raised in an era where this evil is blasting them Continue Reading
Leaving the NAR Church: Max’s story
“Just start making sounds and you will begin to speak through the Holy Ghost.” So I did. At first it seemed I was just making nonsense, but I definitely felt something take over and I started loudly speaking with whatever was going through me. Looking back now, I realize that Continue Reading
“Should we take our kids to see ‘The Star’ film?”
I recently received a letter from a woman whose church’s children’s ministry was wondering if the new Christmas film, “The Star,” is worth seeing. There are no reviews yet, but there is a considerable amount of promotion. What most see when Googling this movie is a Shrek-like retelling of “the Continue Reading
Leaving the NAR Church: Ben’s Story
“When I arrived in October 2008, the Meridian Vineyard was a nice and fun place to be. Very loving, lots of contemporary worship. This was also when I first heard about Bethel Church out of Redding, California. I started getting a gut check in my spirit almost immediately.” – Ben Continue Reading
Leaving the NAR Church: Anthony’s story
I have received several additional “Leaving the NAR” testimonies since I wrapped up the series earlier this summer. These stories are precious to me, and serve as a painful reminder that there is hope for the dear deceived ones caught up in this insidious movement. In this series, I’ve been Continue Reading
Our Top 7 rules for commenting
Hey! Where did those comments go? When it comes to our comments policy, I’ve always believed that Christians should be able to glorify Christ with their words and actions, without me imposing rules. That hasn’t happened, in spite of our updated Comments Rules of Conduct Policy. And so I have Continue Reading
“I can’t find a solid church”
I recently received an email that has become a common heart cry for those hungry sheep who are not being fed a solid diet of pure milk and meat of Scripture: “I am finding it difficult to find a congregation in my area that is not filled with compromise. I Continue Reading
Victims of Bill Johnson’s SOZO Ministry speak out
Many churches are bringing a practice called SOZO into their ministry, at the peril of damaging the sheep and possibly shipwrecking their faith. SOZO Prayer is a technique based on psychology and used by so-called “inner healing ministries” sweeping churches today. This psycho-spiritual deliverance and inner healing methodology is designed Continue Reading
The “Sounds True” “Self-Acceptance Summit”
A 10-day online event promises to make you a better you. It’s called the Self-Acceptance Summit, and I’ve seen several Christians promote it. The event is put on by a group called “Sounds True.” (Are you tempted to add the words, But Isn’t? I know I am.) While Jesus tells Continue Reading