New Age pandemic in the Church

Profanity, pornography, filthy programs on TV and on movie screens are occurrences we live with on a daily basis.  Most of us find it vulgar and offensive.  Our children are watching.  We want Hollywood to stop polluting our culture. On the other hand, the New Age movement (NAM) with its Continue Reading

Which Way, Evangelicals? There is Nowhere to Hide

Dr. Albert Mohler, president of Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, addressed the same-sex “marriage” debate and comes out swinging: This is a moment of decision, and every evangelical believer, congregation, denomination, and institution will have to answer. There will be no place to hide. Dr. Mohler’s column is a must read for Continue Reading

Hillsong: The multi-million dollar “crazy cult”

Our friends over at Churchtwatch Central (CC) have Australia’s “A Current Affair” report on Hillsong Church (HC). For those unfamiliar with HC, it’s a Pentecostal megachurch out of Australia. HC’s well-recognized music ministry has spread all throughout the globe.   Brian and Bobbie Houston  are the “Senior Pastors” and co-presidents of HILC. According Continue Reading

Apostate Churches Promoting Sin

Bill Muehlenberg has spent thirty years of his life writing books on the culture war. He’s one of the few Christians who actually understand what radical homosexual activists have in mind. “And it sure ain’t pretty.”  Their final goal,” he says, “is to totally silence the churches – the true Continue Reading