Hillsong founder Brian Houston has announced he will be transitioning away from his current role as global senior pastor. According to the New York Post, Houston, who founded Hillsong, told his congregants this past Sunday that while he and his wife Bobbie will continue to be involved in Hillsong, he Continue Reading
False Teacher Alert
Downplaying the Devil in NAR
Should you pray for God’s protection from being deceived and then stop worrying about being deceived by the devil? Likewise, once you pray for protection should you then let your guard down, not worry about your need for protection, and embrace all–and I mean all–manifestations of the miraculous? Holly Pivec Continue Reading
Jen Hatmaker: Jesus Came to Affirm the LGBT Community
There is no question that Jen Hatmaker, “evangelical wunderkind who is a one-woman columnist, book-writing machine, conference speaker and all-around mom of five kids and pastor’s wife,” is trying to change minds about what the scriptures teach on many hot button social issues. As we’ve pointed out before, she follows the Continue Reading
The Gigantic Problem Beneath the Really Big Problem
Something is true because it’s actually true-whether you like it or not. Something is false because it’s actually false-whether you like it or not. Has the American Evangelical Church abandoned God’s Word? According to Steven Kozar of Messed Up Church, God’s Word has been abandoned. In a letter he wrote, Kozar Continue Reading
Getting ‘Unhitched’ from the Old Testament? Andy Stanley Aims at Heresy
Megachurch pastor Andy Stanley describes the effort to retain much of the Old Testament as “intellectually ruinous and morally debilitating.” Albert Mohler, president of Southern Seminary & Boyce College, disagrees. He argues that because the Lord Jesus and the Apostles did not “unhitch the Christian faith from their Jewish Scriptures” as Continue Reading
Andy Stanley: Church Unity Is More Important Than ‘Being Theologically Correct’
“The goal isn’t to be right about everything. The goal is to be one.” “They made cultural concessions for the sake of unity.” In Ephesians 4:13 we learn that pastors and teachers are to equip the saints “until we all attain to the unity of the faith and of the Continue Reading
“The Shack” and a Cat Named Judas
Author Warren B. Smith asks a really good question: Why on earth would anyone name a beloved pet Judas? In “The Shack” one of the characters, Missy, has a cat named Judas, which is strange because Judas was among those in Jesus’ inner circle and a trusted friend, yet he Continue Reading
The Hatmakers double down on “holy” homosexual “marriage”
Today Brandon Hatmaker came out swinging against those who’ve raised alarm at his famous wife Jen Hatmaker’s public stance last week on homosexual marriage, in which she stated that a committed marriage between two people of the same sex was “holy” before God. Maybe she didn’t mean it? Nope. Brandon Continue Reading
Priscilla Shirer & Women’s Bible “Mis-studies”: When Your Church Doesn’t Care About Your Soul (Or The Scripture)
Bud Ahlheim warns of the abominable teaching that’s coming to a church near you — perhaps even the church you attend! “This is a reminder about the danger of Shirer,” says Ahlheim. “It does not take much discernment to recognize her as a false teacher with toxic teaching. If Christ’s Continue Reading
Rachel Held Evans and Homosexuality
Glenn Chatfield of The Watchman’s Bagpipes takes on Christian author, blogger, and speaker Rachel Held Evans for her unbiblical response to the recent terrorist attack in Orlando. Outraged by the event, and rightly so, Evans posted a commentary on Facebook to show her support for homosexuals. In doing so, she chastised Christians who Continue Reading